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We want to See you Grow!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Medicinal Marijuana - Medical Uses Of Marijuana

Medical Marijuana - Information about medical marijuana, medicinal marijuana, and medical uses of marijuana. The debate over the use of marijuana for medical purposes has been ongoing for years. In June 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against medical use of marijuana, but emphasized the decision was not over whether marijuana is effective for pain relief.

Michigan's Medical Marijuana Law Has Passed

In Michigan, on November 4, 2008, Michiganders made history by passing Proposal 1, Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, legalizing medical marijuana

Marijuana is a dry, shredded mix of flowers, stems, seeds and leaves of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. People usually smoke it as a cigarette or in a pipe. It is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States.
Abusing marijuana can result in problems with memory, learning and social behavior. It can interfere with family, school, work and other activities.
Scientific studies are underway to test the safety and usefulness of cannabis compounds for treating certain medical conditions. Currently, smoking marijuana is not recommended for the treatment of any disease or condition.
NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Female and Male Marijuana Plants

Telling a female marijuana plant from a male one can be tricky for the inexperienced grower. It is, however, essential to get a knack for doing this as early as possible. Unless you're breeding or cross-breeding marijuana, there is no reason to have male plants in the grow room. In actual fact, having a male marijuana plant in the grow room does way more harm than good.
If a male is kept in a grow room, it will eventually release a pollen which pollenates the female flower. Once this has happened the female bud will have seeds, the plant is less potent and now also full of seeds. If you have any males in the grow room, rip them out as soon as you see them. If you manage to do this, your buds will be 'sinsemilla' (literally meaning without seeds). Check the description below and also have a look at some marijuana pictures. This is the best way to easily tell a male marijuana plant from a female one.

Female marijuana plants

female marijuana plantClusters of flowers known as buds or colas only occur on female or hermaphrodite plants. Hermaphrodites are plants that are part male, part female. If you want sinsemilla buds, make sure you only have pure females.
Plants in constant light can sometimes start to show some pre-flowers after only a few weeks of growth. Usually though it takes a change in light cycle to trigger the plants into full reproductive mode. 
Most varieties of marijuana require 12 hours of darkness per day to induce their flowering cycles. Sativa varieties sometimes need more. Indica varieties can sometimes take less. Ruderalis varieties can flower whatever.  
Early female marijuana flowers look like little furry hairs, usually white, but they can be other colors. Early male flowers look a bit like small bunches of mini green bananas. Look near the leaf joins on your plants to see them emerging.    
Even pure female plants have the potential to turn male or hermaphrodite. This can happen if the plant is stressed too much through bad treatment or if chemicals are applied to the plant to induce male flowering.   

Male marijuana plants   

male marijuana plantUnless you have plans to breed or to produce lots of seeds, always separate male and female plants as soon as their sex becomes apparent. Remember one or two male marijuana plants can turn a whole crop to seed and you just don't want that happening.
Once you have a good female plant that you would like to keep you can place it in constant light to stop it from flowering. This plant can then be a "mother" for you to take cuttings from whenever you wish. See the cloning marijuana section for more info.

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Cloning: Step-by-Step

    Step One: Choose a mother plant that is at least two months old and 24 inches tall. Some varieties give great clones even when pumped up with hydroponics and fertilizer to grow fast. If a variety is difficult to clone, leach the soil daily with two gallons of water for each gallon of soil every morning for a week before taking clones. Drainage must be good. Or mist leaves heavily with plain water every morning. Both practices help wash out nitrogen. Do not add fertilizer. Step Two: Older branch tips root easiest. With a sharp blade, make a 45-degree cut across firm, healthy 1/8 – 1-inch-wide branches, 2 – 4 inches long. Take care not to smash the end of the stem when making the cut. Trim off two or three sets of leaves and growth nodes so the stem can fit in the soil. There should be at least two sets of leaves above the soil line and one or two sets of trimmed nodes below ground. When cutting, make the slice halfway between the sets of nodes. Immediately place the cut end in fresh, tepid water to keep an air bubble from lodging in the hole in the center of the stem. Store cuttings in water while making more cuttings. Step Three: Rockwool or Oasis™ root cubes cost a little more than soilless mixes, but are very convenient and easy to maintain and transplant. Fill small containers or nursery flats with coarse, washed sand, fine vermiculite, soilless mix or if nothing else is available, fine potting soil. Saturate the substrate with tepid water. Use an unsharpened pencil or chop stick to make a hole in the rooting medium a little larger than the stem. The hole should bottom out about one half inch from the bottom of the container to allow for root growth. Step Four: Use a rooting hormone and mix (if necessary) just before using. For liquids, use the dilution ratio for softwood cuttings. Swirl each cutting in the hormone solution for 5 – 10 seconds. Place the cuttings in the hole in the rooting medium. Pack rooting medium gently around the stem. Gel and powder root hormones require no mixing. Dip stems in gels as per instructions or roll the stem in the powder. When planting, take special care to keep a solid layer of hormone gel or powder around the stem when gently packing soil into place. Step Five: Lightly water with a mild transplanting solution containing vitamin B1 until the surface is evenly moist. Water as needed. Step Six: Clones root fastest with 18 – 24 hours of fluorescent light. If clones must be placed under a HID, set them on the perimeter of the garden so they receive less intense light, or shade them with a cloth or screen. Step Seven: Clones root fastest when humidity levels are 95 - 100 percent the first two days and gradually reduced to 85 percent over the next week. A humidity tent will keep humidity above 90 percent. Construct the tent out of plastic bags, plastic film or glass. Remember to leave a breezeway so little clones can breathe. If practical, mist clones several times a day as an alternative to the humidity tent. Remove any rotting foliage. Step Eight: Air temperature should stay about 5 degrees cooler than the 75 – 80-degree rooting medium. Put clones in a warm place to increase air temperature and use a heat pad, heating cables or an incandescent light bulb below rooting cuttings. Step Nine: Some cuttings may wilt but regain rigidity in a few days. Clones should look close to normal by the end of the week. Cuttings still wilted after 7 days, may root so slowly that they never catch up with others. Consider culling out cuttings that root slowly. Step Ten: In one to three weeks, cuttings should be rooted. Signals they have rooted include yellow leaf tips and roots growing out drain holes and clones will start vertical growth. To check for root growth in flats or pots, carefully remove the root ball and clone to see if it has good root development. For best results, do not transplant clones until a dense root system is growing out the sides and bottom of rooting cubes.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Machine-Gun Toting Cops Raid Legal Pot Patient For Two Plants

By Steve Elliott ~alapoet~ in Growing, News
Wednesday, Oct. 27 2010 @ 9:39AM
Photo: Voice It Out
Seattle Police officers knocked a legal patient's door down, charged in brandishing machine guns, and forced him face down to the floor. He had two legal plants.
Seattle Police officers brandishing submachine guns broke down the door of a 50-year-old medical marijuana patient Monday night and pushed him face down to the floor. His offense? He was legally growing two tiny cannabis plants.

Will Laudanski, a military veteran who was an Airborne Ranger in Desert Shield, wasn't even breaking the law. As an authorized medical marijuana patient in the state of Washington, he's allowed to grow up to 15 plants and possess 24 ounces of cannabis.

But Seattle Police have shown they are willing to treat the smallest of pot cases -- even in cases where the marijuana is legal -- as if they were raiding the biggest crack house or meth lab in town.

Just before 9 p.m. Monday officers at SPD's East Precinct held a briefing about a complaint of marijuana at a four-unit apartment building in the Leschi neighborhood, reports Dominic Holden at The Stranger.

A week earlier, officers had applied for a search warrant from King County Superior Court, sent an officer with a drug dog to sniff at the door, "confirmed the scent of marijuana," and started planning their big SWAT style drug raid.

Graphic: NORML/Missoula Independent
​ A gung-ho SWAT team of officers decked out in all their Rambo-esque raid equipment -- between six and nine officers -- ran up the stairs, some carrying MP5 submachine guns, and one guy with a battering ram. They pounded on Laudanski's door and said it was the police.

"I was tying my robe," said Laudanski, who had just stepped out of the bathroom. "I said 'I am opening the door,' but before I could get my hand to the door, they busted it open and then rushed me."

Laudanski told The Stranger his door now "has cracks running right down the middle. I can't really bolt it."

"During the entry to this apartment, the locking mechanism to the front door was possibly damaged," the official incident report drily notes.

"I was trying to comply," Laudanski said. "Then they pushed me down to the ground and just basically got me positioned in a corner of the kitchen with my face on the floor."

As officers began to tear up the place while he was face down on the floor, Laudanski told them he was an authorized medical marijuana patient and directed them to his paperwork in the other room. "Do you want to see it?" he asked the officers.

Laudanski "had paperwork in the room declaring his marijuana grow was for medical purposes," the police report acknowledged.

As officers ransacked the apartment, they discovered two small marijuana plants in the bedroom, each growing in pots. 

"They were able to see the full extent of my pathetic grow," Laudanski said. "There were four little nuggets of bud the size of your pinkie on one and five on the other. They're about 12 inches high."

Police didn't take the plants.

"Clearly, in this case, there was no law violation that was discovered," admitted Seattle Police spokesman Sean Whitcomb.

But Whitcomb adds, "Our mission is to enforce the law. We do that by gathering information of any evidence of any criminal violation. And I'd go on to say that had the officers known that, they would have spent their time doing something else. However, unfortunately, we don't always have that luxury."

But officers do have the luxury of speaking the English language, don't they? Couldn't they have, like, knocked on the goddamned door and asked about the marijuana, especially given the fact that Washington is a medical marijuana state?

Well, it turns out that "knock-and-talks" aren't the protocol for "drug cases" -- even small pot cases, Whitcomb said.

Well, heaven forbid you should go against your fucked-up protocol just because medical marijuana is legal, officer! By all means, feel free to break down doors, rough up sick people, and trash their homes! No need to make sure they're breaking the law first; that would violate protocol!

Laudanski said he hasn't done anything to attract the cops' attention. And he doesn't know why so much force was necessary.

"I came from a perspective that was pro-police," said Laudanski, who worked in New York as a paramedic. "But I still think this was very, very wrong what they did. I feel that higher-up people who ordered this, they are wasting our time and our money and they are putting innocent people in danger."

Every day in the United States, we have 100 to 150 paramilitary style SWAT raids on American homes, mostly in the name of the War On Drugs, according to NORML. Shouldn't we at least get the sick and dying off the battlefield?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Subcool's Topping Tips

Topping is an area that is misunderstood by many growers.
While a single growing shoot will produce a larger single cola, topping a plant properly can put 4 colas in the sweet spot of light intensity. This allows more of the plant, especially the lower buds, to receive better light and produce larger buds. The overall yield of the plant is greater than an un-topped plant in most cases.
It’s important to top the plants early to get a good start on this style. As soon as my clones have rooted well and have started tWhile a single growing shoot will produce a larger single cola, topping a plant properly can put 4 colas in the sweet spot of light intensity. This allows more of the plant, especially the lower buds, to receive better light and produce larger buds. The overall yield of the plant is greater than an un-topped plant in most cases.
It’s important to top the plants early to get a good start on this style. As soon as my clones have rooted well and have started to grow I chop out the meristem, causing the plant to divide into 2 growing shots. This will slow the growth down initially but in the long run you will have a stronger plant that yields more. If this is performed low enough, the plant will actually develop 4 heads - just leave 4 growing shoots.
Not all strains benefit from topping, but most do. Some really short, slow Indicas like Urkle just take too long to grow out when topped like this, but this method allows us to harvest 5 ounces consistently in soil per plant. To be more clear: all plants do better if topped, but some slow-growing varieties will require additional time to mature to a proper budding plant size.
Topping early is the key with most strains, so the plant maintains a low profile with the maximum amount of bud sites in the sweet spot. Topping also allows fewer plants to fill a room. When dealing with medical limits, fewer plants that can produce the same amounts of cannabis is a very crucial aspect to master.
Seedlings are a bit different and you must allow the seedling to develop and have at least 4-5 internodes before topping. If you top a seedling too early, the shock will slow the plant down, wasting a tremendous amount of time. Allow a seeded plant to get herself rooted well and establish several sets of fan leaves. I like to wait till I see roots in the drain holes before my first topping.
Subcool is an expert grower and breeder, and author of Dank: The Quest for the Very Best Marijuana, published by Ed Rosenthal's Quick Trading Company. He and is a regular contributor to Cannabis Culture and other marijuana magazines. Read Subcool's Blog.

Transplanting 101

CANNABIS CULTURE - Master grower Subcool shows you how to transplant your babies and get them ready to grow!

Here's how it's done: Clones and new seeds are always placed into 1 gallon nursery pots without any Super Soil or added nutrients. Use only a good, balanced potting soil that won’t burn your baby plants. They will only stay in these smaller pots for a few weeks while the roots get established and you shape and top them.
It's very important to not procrastinate when it is time to transplant out of these smaller containers. If you get lazy and let your small plants sit around in their starter containers, it will slow the transition process after transplanting. I have seen first hand the huge difference when I gave some clones to a card holder. The day I transplanted I had 4 extra clones that I passed to him. Instead of transplanting right away he waited until they were root bound and looking poorly. I was able to harvest 30 days before him and the quality and quantity difference was hard to believe. My method is not for the lazy or procrastinating type; the more on top of each technique you become, the better each harvest will become as well.
When I'm ready to transplant into the final pots I use #10 nursery pots that will hold a full 7 gallons of liquid. Seven may not sound much bigger than a 5, but let me tell you these slanted #10 pots hold a bunch of soil! Make sure to lift properly using your legs and not your back when moving one that’s just been watered.

The ultimate grow room |

The ultimate grow room | Cannabis Culture Magazine

In the previous issue of Cannabis Culture, we interviewed a veteran Canadian commercial marijuana grower named BC Hardcore, and visited several of his commercial grow houses (CC#47, BC's million dollar grow shows).

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Arizona Medical Marijuana Initiative also known as Proposition 203, or I-04-2010,

The Arizona Medical Marijuana Initiative, will appear on the November 2, 2010 ballot in the state of Arizona as an initiated state statute. Sponsors of the proposed initiative submitted their qualifying signatures to election officials in the state in April and on June 1, 2010, the Arizona Secretary of State qualified the measure. It was verified that the effort had collected enough signatures for ballot access. The Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project is the main sponsor of the measure. If the measure is enacted, Arizona will become the 15th state to legalize the use of medical marijuana.
If approved, the proposition will allow residents in the state with specific medical conditions to be treated with certain amounts of marijuana for personal use. According to the provisions of the initiative, the Arizona Department of Health Services would be put in charge of regulating the sale and use of medical marijuana. The measure would also allow qualifying patients and caregivers to purchase the drug from specific, closely watched clinics. Patients would also be protected from arrest and prosecution for using the plant for medicinal purposes.
Employers would also not be allowed to discriminate in hiring employees, as well as terminating employment against registered cardholders. However, workers would not be allowed to be on the medicine while on the job.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Medicinal Cannabis - Supporting Organizations

Medical and scientific organizations based in the United States that support access to therapeutic cannabis include: the American Academy of Family Physicians (1989, 1995); American Academy of HIV Medicine (2003); American College of Physicians (2008); American Medical Association's Council on Scientific Affairs (2001); American Medical Students Association (1993); American Nurses Association (2003); American Preventive Medical Association (1997); American Public Health Association (1995); Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (1999); Federation of American Scientists (1994); HIV Medicine Association (2006); Institute of Medicine (1982 & 1999); Kaiser Permanete (1997); Lymphoma Foundation of America (1997); National Association for Public Health Policy (1998); National Nurses Society on Addictions (1995); and Physicians Association for AIDS Care.
Patients out of Time, "Organizations Supporting Access to Therapeutic Cannabis," (Howardsville, VA: January 2009)

The Best Marijuana Ice Cream in Colorado!

Mile High Ice Cream makes the finest medical marijuana ice cream in Colorado. We supply licensed marijuana dispensaries in Boulder, Fort Collins, Denver, Longmont, and some smaller communities in the Front Range. All of our medicated ice cream is dosage-controlled using the highest-grade marijuana. Our licensed ice cream maker has been the head ice cream and gelato maker at one of Forbes Traveler's top 10 ice cream stores in America for eight years.
Edible marijuana has been the drug of choice for many Colorado medical marijuana patients. Ice Cream is the number one comfort food for women and the top sweet comfort food for men. We can custom make any flavor based on your preferences. Below are some of the flavors that are available:
  • Banana Chocolate Chip
  • Birthday Baked
  • Black Raspberry
  • Boulder Brownie
  • Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pot Tart
  • Butterfinger
  • Cappucino Chocolate Chip
  • Caramel Oreo
  • Chocolate Cookie Dough
  • Chocolate Hazelnut
  • Chocolate Oreo
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter
  • Chocolate Raspberry
  • For more info log on to

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cannabis Cancer CURE Study: Colorado New Report

It has been proven that concentrated cannabis oil cures cancer.

Why hasn't The U.S. National Cancer Institute or The American Cancer Society tested Cannabis Oil?. Is it lack of personnel (2,100 USNCI staff members) or limited financial support (USNCI 2010 budget of $5.1 Billion dollars!)

Cannabis Concentrate or extract is the same as Rick Simpson's "Hemp Oil".
Google "cannabinoids" and "cancer".
Google "endocannabinoids" and "cancer"
Google "THC" and "Cancer".
Google pubmed, go there and look up "endocannabinoids" and "cancer", as well as "cannabinoids" and "cancer".
Google Dr. Robert Dr Robert Melamede and cancer".

THC (marijuana) Helps Cure Cancer Says Harvard Study

Download: Your Life Depends On It!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How to Make Medicinal Hemp Oil Safely

Download:It takes about a pound of weed to produce 2-3 oz of hemp oil $3000-5000
Could $100,000,000,000 change the world?

RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 1 of 7)

Download cancer Cure right here

Strategies for Passing the Drug Urine Test

by Beverly A. Potter, PhD
Copyright material. See notice at the bottom
Strategy: Abstaining
Abstinence is a legal strategy in which all prescriptions*, over-the-counter medicines, and recreational drugs are avoided prior to testing. The duration of abstinence--called the "detection time"--depends on how long certain drug metabolites can be detected by a urine test. For example, cocaine is usually undetectable after 3-5 days, whereas chronic marijuana use can be detectable for as long as 2 months. With this strategy foods with poppy or hemp seeds are avoided because they can cause positive tests for opium and marijuana. (*Prescription users should always check with their physicians before they stop using medication.)
Strategy: Flushing  I always used this one in the Marine Corps  You have to drink 64oz of water in 1 hour with vitiman b with the last glass cause you dont want your pee pee to be yellow. Pee 1-2 times till pee turns yellow then drop
Putting liquid through the urinary system washes drug metabolites out, which reduces the danger of testing positive. A problem is that after flushing urine is colorless, which can arouse suspicion. This can be solved by taking vitamin B, which turns urine dark yellow so that the sample appears normal again. Over-the-counter diuretics, available in drugstores, accelerate flushing by stepping up secretion of water from the body. Caffeine is a diuretic, so drinking coffee, black tea, and caffeinated cola--all of which are perfectly legal--helps flush the system. Flushing is legal, and, in fact, drinking a lot of fluids is recommended by nutritionists. Nonetheless, talking about beating the test by drinking water is not a good idea, because it can cause suspicion and lead to closer scrutiny with more sophisticated tests. Flushing can be detected by measuring the creatine and specific gravity of the urine. But these tests are expensive and rarely done.
Strategy: Masking
Masking is a strategy in which a legal substance masks or covers the presence of drug metabolites in the urine so that they are not detected when the urine is tested. Antacids like Tums and Rolaids are thought to mask amphetamines, cocaine, and PCP. Aspirin and ibuprofen can sometimes hide cannaboids and opiates.
Strategy: Diluting
With the diluting strategy, water is added directly into the urine sample, which dilutes the concentration of drug metabolites. This technique is effective but dangerous, and if caught, one can get into serious trouble. Under the stringent Federal Guidelines, blue dye is added to the toilet water and the back of the toilet is taped up to prevent diluting. Additionally, the temperature of the sample is recorded. On the other hand, many drug testing situations are not stringently monitored, making it easier to add water to the sample.
Strategy: Substituting
In substitution, the person does not provide any urine but pours someone else's urine into the specimen cup. This strategy is dangerous, because monitors are on the lookout. If substitution is suspected, there is a lot of explaining to do. In some states, tampering with a drug test is a misdemeanor. Aside from the challenge of successfully sneaking a fake sample into the test site, getting uncontaminated urine can be difficult. Supposedly "clean" urine may test positive for something the donor did not know would trigger the positive test. Some people have put the substitute sample into "bladder bags" strapped to the body, which keeps it warm and (hopefully) avoids detection during a "pat down."
Strategy: Adulterating
Another strategy is adding a substance to the sample that nullifies the urine test. People have tried lye, salt, household ammonia, bleach, soap, and Liquid Drano. Each has problems and effectiveness is far from guaranteed. Table salt and soap are the most reliable. Salt can be carried into the test site under the fingernails. However, Federal Guidelines require that the hands be washed in the presence of a monitor for just this reason. In more casual testing settings, adulteration can be relatively easy. Tampering can be detected by testing the pH of the sample, but this is rarely done--except when suspicions have been aroused.
Strategy: Handling the Paperwork
Before you can be legally tested, you must complete and sign a Consent Form, which requires that you disclose all medications taken recently. The purpose of the disclosure is to provide an explanation if you test positive because of having consumed a food or legal medicine that tests like an illicit drug, called "cross-reacting." All positive results are supposed to be review by a Medical Review Officer (MRO), who decides if it is valid and reported as a positive, or if it is a "false positive," which is reported as a negative. Interviewing you and discussing the substances you disclosed is central to this decision. Refusing to sign the Consent Form or to take the test is not advised, because it brings suspicion regardless of your reasons for refusing. People who use drugs illicitly sometimes use the disclosure form to create an "alibi" by disclosing over-the-counter medicines and foods known to cross-react with the drugs they've been taking. Some people have procured a legal prescription from a family physician, such as one for codeine cough syrup, to disclose in case the test comes up positive for use of an illicit drug, such as heroin.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Not Just for Smoking

(NaturalNews) The use of hemp seeds in modern foods is relatively commonplace now, but this amazing healthy food has been the source of heated debate in the US since before World War II. Currently many food manufactures are looking for more healthy and wholesome options. Hemp is proving to be a wonderful addition to many different types of foods because both the seed oil and nut are extremely dense with nutrients.

Vegetable oil manufacturers have been lobbying for the inclusion of unhealthy polyunsaturated oils in mainstream foods successfully for the last 70 years. Unfortunately modern civilization has seen an increase of diseases related to the use of these "bad" oils in our foods since then - like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and many metabolic syndromes. Introducing hemp seeds and hemp oil to your diet can only benefit your health in the long run since it is one of the most compact sources of vital nutrients available.Health Benefits of Hemp

"Overall, hemp`s main nutritional advantage over other seeds lies in the composition of its oil," according to Gero Leson, D.Env., an environmental scientist and consultant with extensive experience in the food and fiber uses of hemp and other renewable resources.

Hemp seeds have a high quality of protein with a nutritionally complex composition containing 10 essential amino acids in nutritionally significant amounts, making it a complete protein. This protein also has a similar cellular structure to a protein manufactured in human blood, making it easily digestible.

The hemp nut is also rich in the vitamin E complex of tocopherols and tocotrienols and contains many trace minerals. This nutritional profile is significant in the fact that per pound, no other nut or seed provides such a density of beneficial nutrients.

Essential Fatty Acids

The essential fatty acid (EFA) make-up of hemp seed oil is like no other on the market today. No other vegetable or nut oil contains EFAs in this concentration or ratio - high in both omega 6, linoleic acid (LA), and omega 3, alpha-linolenic acids (ALA) specifically.

Because of the wide spread use of processed poly-unsaturated vegetable oils in cooking and frying, foods consumed in the typical western diet contain too much LA and not enough ALA essential fats. According to National Institute of Health studies and reports on the subject, this has been found to be an unhealthy balance, and the addition of good EFAs has proven to help with many modern ailments such as diabetes, heart disease and metabolic syndromes.


Hemp Industries Association

Nutritional Profile and Benefits of Hemp Seed, Nut and Oil by Gero Leson

Hemp Foods and Oils Primer

How to Manicure Medical Marijuana

Download:over 10,000 hits in 10 months I think its great for the first video I ever posted.

Ludy’s Meds: How to make cannabis butter

Ludy’s Meds: How to make cannabis butter: "CANNABISRECIPE.COM - HOME Home M..."


2 cup shell pasta
1 1/2 cup cannabis milk (1/4 oz. bud or 1/2 oz. leaf)
half of a green (or red or yellow) pepper
half of a onion
a glove of garlic
2 tablespoons margarine (cannabis margarine!)
4 tablespoon flour
1/2 teaspoon wet mustard
fresh dill spice
3 tablespoon nutritional yeast
soy sauce
Boil pasta until complete. Set aside. In a saucepan, saute veggies until onion is transparent. Set aside with pasta. Melt margarine completely. Add flour to produce a thick paste. Add more flour if needed. Blend in cannabis milk. Wisk until all is blended. Add heat to make the saute thick. When desired consistency is achieved (be careful, sauce burns easily), add pasta and veggies. Heat all together and serve.
1 lb. hot red pepper linguine
1 1/2 lb. white mushrooms
2 green peppers, cut up
1/8 lb. fine bud or leaf of ganja
1 1/2 stick butter
1/2 pint of half-and-half cream
4 cloves chopped garlic
1 cup chopped fresh basil (or 2 tsp. dry basil)
Take the ganja and heat it in butter over moderate flame. Cook the butter in a double-boiler pot, making sure you heat it for at least 20 minutes, making sure not to burn the butter. Strain out the leaf and set the butter aside. Cook your linguine, but not too long. Pour your butter into another pan and add pepper, garlic and mushrooms, and sauté them a couple of minutes. Then drain the linguine and add to the sauté mixture. Pour in the cream and let it slowly reduce. The cream slowly thickens over a low flame. When it boils off the bottom of the pan, you are ready to eat.
1 1/2 cups shrimp
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup fresh basil (finely chopped)
1/3 oz. fine ganja leaves
1 stick butter or margarine
2 tsp thyme
2 tsp oregano
3 large baking potatoes
1 cup flour
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp paprika
1 yellow onion (finely chopped)
3 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
4 tsp good olive oil
Leave shrimp in shells and marinate them for two hours in the white vinegar mixed with basil, thyme and oregano. Meanwhile, melt the butter or margarine in a double boiler and add the ganja. Heat for 20 minutes, making sure not to burn the butter. Quarter the potatoes into thick wedges. Place flour, pepper and paprika into a paper bag. Wet the potato wedges with water and toss them in the flour and spices until they're coated. Fry the potatoes until golden brown and set aside. Then sauté the onion and garlic in the olive oil and toss in the shrimp for a couple of minutes, until they're tender. Dip the shrimp in a dish of warm puna butter and you sail with Santa RA.
1 loaf whole-wheat bread
1 cup sliced avocado
1 lb farmer's cheese (a white, mild cheese)
2 tsp. ground hemp seed
1 tsp. basil
1 stick margarine or butter
To prepare Chef RA's Puna Butter, melt the butter or margarine in a double boiler and add the ganja, cooking over a moderate flame for 20 minutes. (Don't burn the butter!) Strain out the plant matter and set aside. For the toastie, place slices of cheese, then avocado, on a piece of bread. Sprinkle with hemp seeds and basil. For extra variety, add tomato slices and sprouts or sun-dried tomatoes, and garlic. Top with another slice of bread. Then drop a tablespoon of Puna Butter into a frying pan and grill the toastie on both sides, using low heat. Grill with as much butter as you can without burning the bread, covering the pan to melt the cheese. Get TOASTED, baby!
"From Flavors of
India by Shanta Nimbark Sacharoff."
2 cups water
1 ounce marijuana (fresh leaves and flowers of a female plant preferred)
4 cups warm milk
2 tablespoons blanched and chopped almonds
1/8 teaspoon garam masala [a mixture of cloves, cinnamon, and cardamon]
1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger
1/2 to 1 teaspoon rosewater
1 cup sugar
Bring the water to a rapid boil and pour into a clean teapot. Remove any seeds or twigs from the marijuana, add it to the teapot and cover. Let this brew for about 7 minutes. Now strain the water and marijuana through a piece of muslin cloth, collect the water and save. Take the leaves and flowers and squeeze between your hands to extract any liquid that remains. Add this to the water. Place the leaves and flowers in a mortar and add 2 teaspoons warm milk. Slowly but firmly grind the milk and leaves together. Gather up the marijuana and squeeze out as much milk as you can. Repeat this process until you have used about 1/2 cup of milk (about 4 to 5 times). Collect all the milk that has been extracted and place in a bowl. By this time the marijuana will have turned into a pulpy mass. Add the chopped almonds and some more warm milk. Grind this in the mortar until a fine paste is formed. Squeeze this paste and collect the extract as before. Repeat a few more times until all that is left are some fibers and nut meal. Discard the residue. Combine all the liquids that have been collected, including the water the marijuana was brewed in. Add to this the garam masala, dried ginger and rosewater. Add the sugar and remaining milk. Chill, serve, and enjoy.
2 cups seeds
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. chopped garlic
1 tsp. cajun seasoning or seasoned salt with 1/4 tsp. ground cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. fresh dill
dash of tamari or soy sauce to taste
1/4 cup raw sunflower kernals
Heat oil in heavy iron skillet and stir in garlic until fragrant. Add seeds, stir frequently over medium high heat for about five munutes until seeds startto snap playfully. Stir in remaining ingredients, heat for a few minutes longer until seeds are nice and crunchy.
2 tbsp sucanat (organic cane sugar)
1 tbsp water
1/8 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup brown rice syrup
1 cup hemp seeds
1 cup sesame seeds
1 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup chopped cashew nuts
Use a double boiler. In top pot mix first three ingredients until sucanat has dissolved Add brown rice syrup, seeds and nuts Mix well until seeds are coated with sweetener Pour into baking pan and press flat Refrigerate overnight Cut into squares before serving.
2 Cups fresh ground hempseeds
1/2 cup finely chopped green pepper
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1 Tbsp minced garlic
2 Tbsp chopped parsley
1/4 cup good olive oil
1 beaten egg (optional)
water (1-3 Tbsp)
flour, salt, pepper
Louisiana Hot Sauce
oil for frying
Mix hemp seeds with peppers, onion, garlic, parsley and toss in olive oil. Add hot sauce to taste. Add egg and/or water until mixture is wet enough to shape into balls. Squeeze together. The egg may keep mixture together better but is not necessary. Roll in flour with salt and pepper to taste. Heat 2 Tbsp oil in heavy skillet over medium heat. Gently brown hempseed balls on all sides for 8 to ten minutes. Serve alone with dip, or in pita pockets with garlic yogurt sauce and a little sliced onion, cucumber, lettuce.
5 cups rye bread crumbs
2 tablespoons poultry seasoning
1/2 cup each of raisins and almonds
1/2 cup celery
1/3 cup chopped onions
3 tablespoons melted butter
1/2 cup chopped grass
2 tablespoons red wine
Mix it all together, and then stuff it in.
2 lbs. pinto beans
1 lb. bacon, cut into two-inch sections
2 cups red wine
4 tablespoons chili powder
1/2 clove garlic
1 cup chopped grass
1/2 cup mushrooms
Soak beans overnight in water. In a lagre pot pour boiling water over beans and simmer for at least an hour, adding more water to keep beans covered. Now add all other ingredients and continue to simmer for another three hours. Salt to taste. Serves about ten.
1 packet onion soup mix
1 (16 oz.) can whole peeled tomatoes
1/2 cup chopped grass
2 lbs. ground beef or chicken or turkey
1 egg
4 slices bread, crumbled
Mix all ingredients and shape into a loaf. Bake for one hour in 400-degree oven. Serves about six.
1 Red Pepper
1 Green Pepper
1 Yellow Pepper
1/2 small onion
herbal seasoning of your choice
Slice the peppers lengthwise into strips about 1/2-3/4 inch wide. Chop the onion. Throw everything together in a skillet with the butter and sautee. Serve over rice. Wait an hour. ENJOY!
tips: It's best to use real butter because herbal seasonings are fat soluble. You want the butter to carry the goodies. Use of a vegetable-oil-based margarine won't work as well. If you're cooking this with friends, take turns standing over the skillet stirring the veggies and seasonings. You don't want one person to have *all* the fun, as the vapors can be quite intense.
3 ripe avocados
1/2 cup chopped onions
2 teaspoons chili powder
3 tablespoons wine vinegar
1/2 cup chopped marahuana
Mix the vinegar, grass, and chili powder together and let the mixture stand for one hour. Then add avocados and onions and mash it all together. It can be served with tacos or as a dip.
1 can condensed beef broth
3 tablespoons weed
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 can water
3 tablespoons chopped watercress
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Place in a refrigerator for two to three hours, reheat, and serve.
1 large can (1 lb. 13 oz.) pork and beans
1/2 cup grass
4 slices bacon
1/2 cup light molasses
1/2 teaspoon hickory salt
3 pineapple rings
Mix together in a casserole, cover top with pineapple and bacon, bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Serves about six.
1 lb. hamburger
1/4 cup chopped onions
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/4 cup bread crumbs
3 tablespoons weed
3 tablespoons
India relish
Mix it all up and shape into meat balls. Brown in frying pan and drain. Place in a casserole with soup and 1/2 cup water, cover and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. Feeds about four people.
1 can (6 oz.) tomato paste
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup chopped grass
1 pinch pepper
1 can (6 oz.) water
1/2 clove minced garlic
1 bay leaf
1 pinch thyme
1/2 teaspoon salt
Mix in large pot, cover and simmer with frequent stirring for two hours. Serve over spaghetti.
3 oz. ground roast sesame seeds
3 tablespoons ground almonds
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 oz. grass
Toast the grass until slightly brown and then crush it in a mortar. Mix crushed grass with all other ingredients, in a skillet. Place skillet over low flame and add 1 tablespoon of salt butter. Allow it to cook. When cool, roll mixture into little balls and dip them into the sesame seeds.
for 1 cookie:
1 joint worth of pot
1/4 tsp. oil (just enough to moisten the pot)
1 tbsp. oats
2 tsp. Eier Likoer (or just egg)
(a few raisins?,a bit of brown sugar or molasses?)
mix pot & oil, add rest and form into cookie on a piece of foil. bake at 350 for 10 min, or until bottom starts to turn brown. Eier Likoer makes good cookies, it's this yellow stuff usually somewhere around the Baily's. ingredients are egg yolks, sugar, and alcohol.
Start with Hershey's Premium Baking Bar Unsweetened Chocolate. On the back is a recipe for brownies which includes 1 cup butter, 4 squares of chocolate, 2 cups sugar, 4 eggs, 1 cup of flour, and vanilla extract. Start with dry hemp leaves and grind them in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Put in a measuring cup until ~75 ml of "green flour" is made. Fill to the 1 cup mark (250 ml) with regular flour. Proceed with recipe on box: Heat oven to 350 F, Grease 13x9x2 (inch) pan. Heat butter and chocolate and stir with wooden spoon until smooth. Stir in sugar. Add eggs one at a time. Add vanilla extract and stir in flour mixture. Add nuts if desired (a very nice touch I think) and bake for 40 minutes. It seemed to take 10 minutes longer than the box suggested (30 minutes) to be completely baked through. Makes 3 dozen brownies. Take 2 and wait an hour. Take 4 and cruise for 12 hours. Enjoy!
4 apples (cored)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup water
4 cherries
1/3 cup chopped grass
2 tablespoons cinnamon
Powder the grass in a blender, then mix grass with sugar and water. Stuff cores with this paste. Sprinkle apples with cinnamon, and top with a cherry. Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees.
1/2 cup flour
3 tablespoons shortening
2 tablespoons honey
1 egg (beaten)
1 tablespoon water
1/2 cup grass
pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons corn syrup
1 square melted chocolate
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup chopped nuts
Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together. Mix shortening, sugar, honey, syrup, and egg. Then blend in chocolate and other ingredients, and mix well. Spread in an 8-inch pan and bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.
1/2 cup shortening
2 eggs
1 teaspoon lemon juice
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup sugar
1 cup mashed bannanas
2 cups sifted flour
1/2 cup chopped grass
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped nuts
Mix the shortening and sugar, beat eggs, and add to mixture. Seperately mix bannanas with lemon juice and add to the first mixture. Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together, then mix all ingredients together. Bake for 1 1/4 hours at 375 degrees.

How to make cannabis butter

This site provides information on how to make cannabis butter, and award winning cannabis recipes from around the world.

1 bag of shake (roughly 1/2 pound - 1 pound)
Large cooking/stock pot (mine is a 4 gallon)
5 pounds butter or margarine
cheesecloth for straining
thick elastic bands
empty plastic containers with lids (ice-cream pails or large Tupperware work best)
ladle or coffee mug
rubber gloves or oven mitts

It's always best to use the best leaf you can find. The more potent the shake, the more potent the butter.

Step 1: Put your 5 pounds of butter/margarine into the stock pot.

Step 2: Put in your bag of VERY dry shake (try to sift out any stalks or foreign matter.)

Step 3: Fill the pot with cold water leaving about 4 inches at the top for stirring.

Step 4: Set your stove element to med heat, leaving a slight crack open on the lid for steam to escape. Once the mixture comes to a boil, turn the heat down to low and
simmer for at least 5 hours. (You can do it for longer, but 5 hours is the minimum time to simmer.)

Step 5: Stir with a wooden spoon occasionally.

Step 6: Take it off the element and let it cool for a while. (Note: you only want to cool it as much as you'll need to be able to handle it with gloves, the hotter it is, the easier it
is to squeeze the butter out of the leaf.)

Step 7: Cut yourself some squares of cheesecloth and spread out your plastic containers. Put the cloth pieces over each container and secure it with the elastic bands. (I
usually double up each bit of cheese cloth.)

Step 8: Take a ladle or coffee mug and scoop out some of the green mixture onto the cloth. Keep pouring until you get close (about 6") to the top of the container. Then
take the cheesecloth off and squeeze into the container as hard as you can to get the most butter out of the mix.

Repeat into all containers until all of your green stew is out of the stock pot and squeezed into the containers. *Note: most of the butter is saturated into the leaves and
that's the part you want to ensure gets totally squeezed out of the mixture and into your containers.

Step 9: Put the lids on your filled containers and place them on a level surface in your freezer.

Step 10: After about 5 hours, the butter will solidify and some of the water will turn to ice. Take each container one by one over to the sink, take off the lid, and with one
hand supporting the ice block, turn container upside down and release. Some water will come pouring out, and the ice just needs to be scraped away from the main butter
block. You should be left with a smooth, round slab of light green butter.

Step 11: I store my butter in empty margarine containers in the fridge. If you've got lots, you can put the butter back in the freezer and take it out as needed. Or you can
share it with your friends.

You can use this butter just as you would regular butter in any baking recipe. Simply substitute the butter your recipe calls for with your special butter.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ludy’s Meds: Frequently Asked Questions

Ludy’s Meds: Frequently Asked Questions: "I got a lot of my questions answered here. Got tired of being rerouted and placed on hold at the state office. It is some good info here..."

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ludy’s Meds: Spider mites in my indoor garden, what can I do?

Ludy’s Meds: Spider mites in my indoor garden, what can I do?: "Spider mites are little red arachnids which exist throughout the United States. They are very small – smaller than a poppy seed – andare m..."

Friday, October 8, 2010

Legal Pot Applications Swamp State It Takes 2-3 Months To Get Your Card

Police Visit to Home of Medical Marijuana Patient

united-statesJim Lewis, a 76-year-old grandfather and former missionary worker, got a surprise visit from the police last month.
It was around dinnertime, when he heard a knock on the door of his Flint Township home.  He answered the door and found police officers from the Flint Area Narcotics Group.
Someone had given a tip that there was an illegal marijuana growing operation and a possible methamphetamine lab, they said.
While there was no meth, police found an indoor growing operation in the basement with a kiddie pool-size tub full of 15 marijuana plants – — marijuana that Lewis legally grows to treat his arthritis and headaches, as well as provides to three patients, who also use the drug for medicinal purposes.
Police spent about 15 minutes in his house during the Aug.  17 visit and left.  He was not arrested, and nothing was confiscated.
Although Lewis said he understood police were doing their jobs, he was a little confused as to why anyone would think a guy like him would take part in any illegal activities.
“I was accused by someone of growing and selling marijuana,” said Lewis, adding that the officers were polite.  “That is not the type of person I am.”
Lewis is not alone in getting a visit from police officers who must differentiate between illegal and state-sanctioned marijuana growing operations.
Tuesday, a Lapeer County marijuana dispensary had nearly 50 marijuana plants seized and cash and scales confiscated by police, who believe its operators may be breaking laws governing who can sell and receive medical marijuana.
Last week, authorities in Oakland County raided three marijuana clinics and arrested 16 people.
Jeremy Rupinski, director of the Genesee County Compassion Club, said he knows of at least a dozen cases this year in which he has heard that police searched homes of people who are growing legally.
“It does concern us,” he said.  “For families, a search can be a difficult thing.”
Rupinski said he understands police are just doing their jobs, and he would like to sit down with law enforcement officers to iron out issues.
James McCurtis, spokesman for the Michigan Department of Community Health, which administers the medical marijuana program, said the state has about 24,000 medical marijuana patients.  He said he did not know the number of registered growers.
State police Lt.  Mitch Krugielki, who heads FANG, said it can be difficult for police to differentiate between legal and illegal growers because the unit is not provided with a list of those who are in the program.
Since the medical marijuana law went into effect last year, Krugielki said FANG officers have “occasionally” come across people who are growing legally through the medical marijuana program.
“The only way we are going to find out is if we continue to make contact ( with people ),” said Krugielki.
In Lewis’ case, FANG Detective Shannon Sims said police were following up on a tip, just as for any other they would receive.
Sims said police did not know a senior citizen was living there.
“Not all tips include information on who lives in the house,” he said.  “We didn’t know it was an elderly man until he answered the door.”
Sometimes, even if senior citizens live in a home, some activity still may be going on, whether they are aware of it.  Criminals are of all ages, he said.
But Lewis’ son, Carlton Lewis, who also grows medical marijuana, said the visit was unnecessary.
“How would the police officers like it if we went to their parents’ homes and searched their medical cabinet?” said Carlton Lewis, 48, who also lives in Flint Township.  “He has never committed a crime in his life.”
After working at General Motors for nearly 40 years, Jim Lewis said he spent seven years touring the country doing missionary work for Roving Volunteers in Christ’s Service.
Lewis said he has been using medical marijuana for the past three months but doesn’t smoke it, preferring instead to put it in his mouth and absorb it.
“I just feel the pain go away,” he said.
Source: Flint Journal (MI)
Copyright: 2010 Flint Journal
Author: David Harris, Flint Journal

15 Arrested in Oakland Sheriff's Pot Raids

Letter from Karen O'keefe on dispensaries:
I would encourage folks to fully realize the risk they're running if anything that is not clearly and explicitly allowed by Initiated Law 1. Anyone treading outside the scope of what is clearly protected from arrest
could very well end up being prosecuted, which is generally extremely expensive and stressful, even if one is ultimately acquitted. And, if they're convicted it's even worse ... In addition, the current federal policy that advises against targeting those who are state-legal only applies to those in "clear and unambiguous compliance" with state laws.

The affirmative defense is meant as a safety net (such as for those who are not registered or who need more marijuana), but it is not clear that judges will interpret it as it was intended. I think the affirmative defense is clear, but some courts have pretty much interpreted it out of existence, so it is very risky to rely on it. In addition, one is way better off only doing what is explicitly protected from arrest (getting an ID card and abiding by the limits). Getting arrested and getting a lawyer, etc, is not a pleasant experience even if one ultimately prevails.

In addition, public support could easily turn if there becomes a perception that the law is being abused or what is happening is not what voters expected. It's important that folks not do anything to undermine public support. In Montana, there was a petition campaign to repeal the state's medical marijuana law. It got off to a late start and they only had two weeks or less to gather signatures. It didn't qualify, but it did show that there is some strong and concerted opposition in response to things like a proliferation of dispensaries, doctors that are not doing thorough exams and a huge increase in patient numbers, etc.

I would love to see an add-on bill to allow well regulated dispensaries in Michigan. I don't know if it'd have much of a chance, but a Republican sponsor got one passed in Colorado last year and Montana lawmakers are looking at doing the same thing next year. Maine and Rhode Island also have new dispensary laws that were added on to their existing laws in 2009.

Note: this is not intended as legal advice. Please consult with a
Michigan-licensed attorney for legal advice.

Karen O'Keefe, Director of State Policies
Marijuana Policy Project
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
P: 202-462-5747, ext. *2023
F: 202-552-0982

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Do You Qualify Medical Marijuana in Michigan?

On November 4, 2008, Michigan voters approved the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA), which allows seriously ill patients to use medical marijuana (also referred to as medical weed, medical pot or medical cannabis). The Act permits an individual with a qualifying debilitating medical condition to register as a medical marijuana patient with the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) and avoid criminal penalties under state law for certain medical uses of marijuana. The Michigan Medical Marihuana Program (MMMP) was established to administer the registration program provided for in Michigan medical marijuana law. The MMMP reviews applications submitted by patients and caregivers wishing to participate in the MMMP and issues medical marihuana registration identification cards to those individuals whose applications are approved.
Read the full text of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act here.

How to Qualify for Medical Marijuana in Michigan

To qualify to use medical marijuana in the state of Michigan, a patient must:

What Ailments Can Be Treated with Medical Cannabis in Michigan?

Patients must suffer from a debilitating medical condition, defined by the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act as:
  • any other medical condition or treatment for a medical condition adopted by the department by rule.

Medical Marijuana Access

Some medical marijuana patients will claim they have a doctor's prescription for medical marijuana, but marijuana prescriptions are in fact illegal. The federal government classifies marijuana as a schedule I drug. Therefore doctors are unable to prescribe marijuana to their patients, and medical marijuana patients cannot go to a pharmacy to fill a prescription for medical marijuana. Instead, medical marijuana physicians will supply patients with a medical marijuana recommendation in compliance with Michigan state law.
According to Michigan marijuana laws, patients and their caregivers are allowed to grow medical marijuana only for the qualified patient's private medical use; they can possess up to 2.5 usable ounces and 12 plants; and they cannot purchase or sell medical cannabis. Donations Only.