Items Needed: 1/2 oz of quality bud/trim, ground fine not powdered. 1/2 oz Carbolized marijuana aka vaporizer duff (optional) 1 Cup of cooking oil You can chop your medical marijuana, leave it as is or grind to a coarse consistency. Heat the cooking oil to 280 degrees in a double boiler. You can use a candy thermometer to make sure you don't let the oil get over 280 degrees. | |
Place your medical marijuana in a double boiler and simmer for an hour or two. Stir frequently to keep your oil and cannabinoids from burning. Keep the temperature below 280 degrees. Filter through a small stainless steel strainer or coffee filter. Save your filtered cannaoil in a jar. Cannaoil lasts much longer than cannabutter because cannabutter is made from a dairy product. | |
You can also use cannaoil in many recipes where oil is called for instead of butter. Be careful not to burn the oil and never bring the temperature beyond 280 degrees even when cooking. Cannaoil can be used in salad dressing recipes and can be made with olive oil. If you don't have a double boiler or a candy thermometer or just don't want to take a chance on burning cannabinoids off then you may want to use a crock pot. Heat the oil in a crock pot set on low. Once the oil is hot add your medical marijuana. You can also and other herbs like basil or thyme. Cover with a lid and stir frequently to avoid burning. Cook mix for up to 6 hours for best results. Strain the oil through two layers of cheese cloth into your container squeezing the oil through the cloth. Repeat one or two more times to make sure most if not all of the plant material is gone. Store the cannaoil in an airtight glass canning jar etc. Keep your oil in the refrigerator or in a cool place away from sunlight. |
We are on a mission to get Patients Ceritfied and to share information with the Medical Marijuana Community. Help Patients match the right Marijuana Strain to specific Medical Conditions/ailments, share grow tips and resources and review various marijuana strains for the Medical Marijuana Community. Provide safe acess to Meds get you Ceritfied and teach you how to grow.
We want to See you Grow!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
How To Make Canna Oil
How To Make Cannabutter
Cannabutter Items Needed: 1 cup unsalted butter 1 cup quality medical marijuana trim/bud 2 cups water 2 sauce pans Cheesecloth Bring the water to a boil in a stainless steel sauce pan, then add the unsalted butter. Turn the boil down to a simmer and add the medical marijuana. Simmer the mixture for three to four hours and add more hot water when needed. Make sure not to let the water get to low and the amount of water isn't extremely important. If you use a large sauce pan just use more water. | |
Some people boil their cannabutter for less than three hours but we find that we get better results when we boil for at least three hours. What happens is that the butter being an oil absorbs THC from the resin glands on the medical marijuana. Other cannabinoids also accumulate in the butter. If you have a vaporizer you can even add your "carbolized" or used medical marijuana to the mix. This may help with those who have neurological problems or need strong pain medicine. After the mix simmers for at least three hours place cheesecloth over a large bowl and pour the mix through the cheesecloth. Have somebody hold the cheesecloth tight or use a large rubber band to hold it on the bowl. This will separate the trim from the butter. It's good to run some pure hot water through the cheesecloth to remove any butter that may be caught up in the cloth. You can simmer a pan of water on the side just before you filter off the marijuana from the butter. | |
Remove the cheese cloth and put the bowl of cannabutter mix in your refrigerator or freezer to cool down faster. (If you use your freezer be careful not to let the water freeze.) The cannabutter will separate from the water and float on the top of the water. When the cannabutter cools down it will harden. Don't heat medical marijuana beyond 300 degrees when making butters or oils because it degrades the THC which weakens it's strength. Once the cannabutter hardens it will cover the top of the bowl. Now you simply poke a hole on the side of the cannabutter and slowly drain off the water that's below the cannabutter. Cannabutter will last about 1 week in the refrigerator. You can freeze it and get a month or more out if it that way. You can also use this same method to make canna oil by using olive oil and other cooking oils. Use your cannabutter in any recipe that calls for butter. You can also cut it with regular butter if it is too strong etc. |
How To Re-veg A Marijuana Plant
First of all re-veg means to re-vegetate in grower slang.Re-vegetating is when you take a plant that's in flower and force it back into vegetative state. Vegetative state is the state or mode a plant is in when it is NOT flowering. The main reason to re-vegetate is to make a mother plant. It's nice to keep a mother plant in veg state, that way when you want to make new plants you just take cuttings from her and root them. Sometimes a good plant sneaks up on you and you may decide you want to preserve her and re-vegging is one option. There is a trick to re-vegging a marijuana plant though. You need to keep enough shade/sucker leaves on the plant to allow it to draw water up and transpire. | |
If you don't keep enough shade leaves on your marijuana plant it can drown easily. Keep the lower "popcorn" buds on so you have some sites for re-vegetation to take place. When you water be extremely careful not to give your plant much more water than the plant is going to use in a day. Don't soak the pot. Feed your plant light doses of grow nutrients. I also like to use a product called Greenfuse Grow, it helps accelerate plant growth. I don't use as much as the manufacturer suggests most of the time. Definitely don't give the plant a heavy dose of this in the beginning stages of re-vegging. You also need to keep enough bud sites going because that's where you are going to see the plant begin to re-veg. Without any bud sites, the plant can't produce new vegetative growth. So cut your plant back similar to the picture above. This way you can harvest over 95% of the medicine and have plenty bud sites to get some good re-veg action. | |
Make sure to leave as many of those sucker leaves on as possible. Put your plant into your veg room and give it 18 -20 hours of light. There is no need to give the plant straight 24 hours of light unless you are using florescent lighting. I don't recommend using florescent lights to re-veg with but it has been done. It will take about 1-2 weeks before you begin to see new growth shooting from the buds If you use a simple 400 watt metal halide HID light. Keep on watering LIGHTLY until the plant becomes bushy again and starts using more water. Once the plant begins to re-veg start giving it more grow nutrients. After 4 or 5 weeks you should have a plant that has fully transformed from a mature flowering plant to a mature plant in vegetative mode. In a couple more weeks you should be ready to start taking cuttings. Remember to keep your mother plant in 18-20 hours of light and to give it at least 4 hours rest every night. Some growers believe that a marijuana plant becomes more potent as it ages. After it reaches about 1 year it maxes out in potency |
How To Dry And Cure Marijuana
After you have properly trimmed your medical marijuana you will want to give it a proper dry and cure. The process of drying and curing marijuana can and will effect the quality of the final product. The best dry is usually a slow dry. Drying too fast will lock in chlorophyll, nutrient residuals and other things that a slow dry helps remove. You also want a fairly cool and well ventilated room, 60 - 70 degrees is about ideal. A good fan to remove gas build up in the dry area will also help improve flavor and prevent mold. As marijuana and other plant life decomposes and breaks down it produces carbon dioxide gas. It can smell like a bail of straw or alphalpha and it can make your final product taste and smell funny. Proper ventilation will eliminate this problem. To get a nice slow dry you will need to control the humidity. Depending on the time of year you may need a humidifier or a de-humidifier. If it's cool and rainy or too warm you may even need something to control the temperature. Once you get the climate control tuned in you need to put up lines to hang your buds on. Some people hang the entire plant upside down because they believe the THC will flow from the roots into the buds. That is one of the many myths about growing marijuana. THC does not flow in the marijuana plant. The roots have such a minimal amount of THC that even if it did flow it would be useless anyway. | |
THC forms in the trichomes on the mature flowers of the marijuana plant. That's where the good stuff is for most patients. This is what hash, hash oil and hemp oil is made from. It forms on the flowers and stays on the flowers until it's removed by humans or decomposes into the ground etc. Hanging your plants upside down with the roots on also tends to get dirt on your marijuana flowers. Nobody likes dirty marijuana. Many people use fishing line or other similar string and run it from one side of the area to the other and back again. Leave enough space between lines to get decent ventilation. Once you have your dry room or area set up you are ready to trim and hang your marijuana. Space the trimmed flowers out so they aren't touching each other across the lines. Set up a fan to keep the air in the room properly circulated. Make sure to sweep the floor and clean the entire room well before you hang your marijuana. Dirt particles can easily stick to the sticky trichomes on marijuana buds. Once you have everything trimmed and hung shoot for a humidity of about 40% if you can. 50 is acceptable but much higher than that the first day or 2 can promote mold inside the denser marijuana buds. The denser the buds are the longer you want to keep the humidity around 40%. Indica and Indica dominate strains that have very tight dense flowers are usually more prone to inner bud mold while hanging. Once your medical marijuana flowers begin to feel a little dry and slightly crispy on the outside let the humidity come up to 50 - 55%. Keep the room ventilated and the air circulated at all stages so far. | |
You want to keep the buds in this stage for at least a week, 2 if possible. Some strains require more than 2 weeks. The longer growing strains often have more nutrient residuals to release and do better with a longer cure time. By drying like this you are really getting a "pre cure" on your medical marijuana. Once you have given the marijuana a proper dry time bring the room down to 50% humidity for 4 hours or so. It's best to do this on a dry day unless you have a dehumidifier. Once the marijuana stems snap but not a crispy snap it's usually ready to jar up. The flowers should still have a little moisture in them but not a lot. It should be about as dry as you like to get it when you like to smoke it but just a tad moister. Open the jars every day for a minute or so until the buds are the perfect moisture. After a week or 2 they are usually cured and ready to smoke. After 3 weeks in the jar they are usually premo. Keeping your medical marijuana in a glass jar helps preserve quality and flavor. This is the quickest and most effective way I have found to dry and cure marijuana and get a high quality product. |
After you have properly trimmed your medical marijuana you will want to give it a proper dry and cure. The process of drying and curing marijuana can and will effect the quality of the final product. The best dry is usually a slow dry. Drying too fast will lock in chlorophyll, nutrient residuals and other things that a slow dry helps remove. You also want a fairly cool and well ventilated room, 60 - 70 degrees is about ideal. A good fan to remove gas build up in the dry area will also help improve flavor and prevent mold. As marijuana and other plant life decomposes and breaks down it produces carbon dioxide gas. It can smell like a bail of straw or alphalpha and it can make your final product taste and smell funny. Proper ventilation will eliminate this problem. To get a nice slow dry you will need to control the humidity. Depending on the time of year you may need a humidifier or a de-humidifier. If it's cool and rainy or too warm you may even need something to control the temperature. Once you get the climate control tuned in you need to put up lines to hang your buds on. Some people hang the entire plant upside down because they believe the THC will flow from the roots into the buds. That is one of the many myths about growing marijuana. THC does not flow in the marijuana plant. The roots have such a minimal amount of THC that even if it did flow it would be useless anyway. | |
THC forms in the trichomes on the mature flowers of the marijuana plant. That's where the good stuff is for most patients. This is what hash, hash oil and hemp oil is made from. It forms on the flowers and stays on the flowers until it's removed by humans or decomposes into the ground etc. Hanging your plants upside down with the roots on also tends to get dirt on your marijuana flowers. Nobody likes dirty marijuana. Many people use fishing line or other similar string and run it from one side of the area to the other and back again. Leave enough space between lines to get decent ventilation. Once you have your dry room or area set up you are ready to trim and hang your marijuana. Space the trimmed flowers out so they aren't touching each other across the lines. Set up a fan to keep the air in the room properly circulated. Make sure to sweep the floor and clean the entire room well before you hang your marijuana. Dirt particles can easily stick to the sticky trichomes on marijuana buds. Once you have everything trimmed and hung shoot for a humidity of about 40% if you can. 50 is acceptable but much higher than that the first day or 2 can promote mold inside the denser marijuana buds. The denser the buds are the longer you want to keep the humidity around 40%. Indica and Indica dominate strains that have very tight dense flowers are usually more prone to inner bud mold while hanging. Once your medical marijuana flowers begin to feel a little dry and slightly crispy on the outside let the humidity come up to 50 - 55%. Keep the room ventilated and the air circulated at all stages so far. | |
You want to keep the buds in this stage for at least a week, 2 if possible. Some strains require more than 2 weeks. The longer growing strains often have more nutrient residuals to release and do better with a longer cure time. By drying like this you are really getting a "pre cure" on your medical marijuana. Once you have given the marijuana a proper dry time bring the room down to 50% humidity for 4 hours or so. It's best to do this on a dry day unless you have a dehumidifier. Once the marijuana stems snap but not a crispy snap it's usually ready to jar up. The flowers should still have a little moisture in them but not a lot. It should be about as dry as you like to get it when you like to smoke it but just a tad moister. Open the jars every day for a minute or so until the buds are the perfect moisture. After a week or 2 they are usually cured and ready to smoke. After 3 weeks in the jar they are usually premo. Keeping your medical marijuana in a glass jar helps preserve quality and flavor. This is the quickest and most effective way I have found to dry and cure marijuana and get a high quality product. |
After you have properly trimmed your medical marijuana you will want to give it a proper dry and cure. The process of drying and curing marijuana can and will effect the quality of the final product. The best dry is usually a slow dry. Drying too fast will lock in chlorophyll, nutrient residuals and other things that a slow dry helps remove. You also want a fairly cool and well ventilated room, 60 - 70 degrees is about ideal. A good fan to remove gas build up in the dry area will also help improve flavor and prevent mold. As marijuana and other plant life decomposes and breaks down it produces carbon dioxide gas. It can smell like a bail of straw or alphalpha and it can make your final product taste and smell funny. Proper ventilation will eliminate this problem. To get a nice slow dry you will need to control the humidity. Depending on the time of year you may need a humidifier or a de-humidifier. If it's cool and rainy or too warm you may even need something to control the temperature. Once you get the climate control tuned in you need to put up lines to hang your buds on. Some people hang the entire plant upside down because they believe the THC will flow from the roots into the buds. That is one of the many myths about growing marijuana. THC does not flow in the marijuana plant. The roots have such a minimal amount of THC that even if it did flow it would be useless anyway. | |
THC forms in the trichomes on the mature flowers of the marijuana plant. That's where the good stuff is for most patients. This is what hash, hash oil and hemp oil is made from. It forms on the flowers and stays on the flowers until it's removed by humans or decomposes into the ground etc. Hanging your plants upside down with the roots on also tends to get dirt on your marijuana flowers. Nobody likes dirty marijuana. Many people use fishing line or other similar string and run it from one side of the area to the other and back again. Leave enough space between lines to get decent ventilation. Once you have your dry room or area set up you are ready to trim and hang your marijuana. Space the trimmed flowers out so they aren't touching each other across the lines. Set up a fan to keep the air in the room properly circulated. Make sure to sweep the floor and clean the entire room well before you hang your marijuana. Dirt particles can easily stick to the sticky trichomes on marijuana buds. Once you have everything trimmed and hung shoot for a humidity of about 40% if you can. 50 is acceptable but much higher than that the first day or 2 can promote mold inside the denser marijuana buds. The denser the buds are the longer you want to keep the humidity around 40%. Indica and Indica dominate strains that have very tight dense flowers are usually more prone to inner bud mold while hanging. Once your medical marijuana flowers begin to feel a little dry and slightly crispy on the outside let the humidity come up to 50 - 55%. Keep the room ventilated and the air circulated at all stages so far. | |
You want to keep the buds in this stage for at least a week, 2 if possible. Some strains require more than 2 weeks. The longer growing strains often have more nutrient residuals to release and do better with a longer cure time. By drying like this you are really getting a "pre cure" on your medical marijuana. Once you have given the marijuana a proper dry time bring the room down to 50% humidity for 4 hours or so. It's best to do this on a dry day unless you have a dehumidifier. Once the marijuana stems snap but not a crispy snap it's usually ready to jar up. The flowers should still have a little moisture in them but not a lot. It should be about as dry as you like to get it when you like to smoke it but just a tad moister. Open the jars every day for a minute or so until the buds are the perfect moisture. After a week or 2 they are usually cured and ready to smoke. After 3 weeks in the jar they are usually premo. Keeping your medical marijuana in a glass jar helps preserve quality and flavor. This is the quickest and most effective way I have found to dry and cure marijuana and get a high quality product. |
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
This is why I do it.
I like your Ideals and Providing the Right Strain for the Right Ailghment, Im a Vet Who Suffers From Injuries and PTSD. I have been a Patient and Advocate since it was Legal, I have knowledge on strains, geneology, Trait Growth, Crop Management, Perpetualk grows and Various Other Knowledge Of the Subject, Right Now Im Struggling With the Feds Shutting Our Dispensaries That a 100% Legit For No Reason Other to say they Can! So If you need Advice, Tips, Knowledge or Simply Just BS about the Subject Please Dont Hesitate to Ask! Thanks again For Reading this. Yes I was on 15 different pills and 325 pound now 0 Pills and Just cannabis and 190 Pounds! Yes MJ has Saved My Life!
Manning Ri (Djweedkill)
Manning Ri (Djweedkill)
Friday, October 28, 2011
Free Cannabis Cup Winners Seeds
November Promotion Attitude Seed Bank promotion is massive, if any of our customers spend over $35 between 9am, 4th Nov and 4pm, 7th Nov (GMT) they will receive, for free, 1x feminised Pineapple Chunk from Barney's Farm, 1x feminised Super lemon Haze by Green House seeds and 2x regular LA confidential from DNA genetics. 4 free seeds, just for spending with us.
These aren't just any seeds from any suppliers; these are Cannabis Cup winners - the world's best strains. As you can tell this is going to be huge
http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank 999&jxUR
These aren't just any seeds from any suppliers; these are Cannabis Cup winners - the world's best strains. As you can tell this is going to be huge
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Medical marijuana law rendered useless
I hope state Attorney General Bill Schuette is happy. With Wednesday's Michigan Court of Appeals ruling, it now is illegal to dispense medical cannabis in compassion centers and dispensaries in Michigan. The appeals court ruled the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act of 2008 does not give clearance for the sale of marijuana -- even among medical marijuana cardholders.
It is a travesty that Schuette and multiple county prosecutors and law enforcement agencies throughout the state have joined together for what they believe is a fight for our security and protection. They think the act should never have been enacted, and they are doing whatever they can to stop sick people from getting the help they need.
The three-judge panel's recent decision to ban the sale and dispensing of cannabis probably has Schuette licking his chops. I hope he doesn't get too excited, though. We, the people, will not go down easily...
I find it ridiculous that just when we gain some ground in the fight for liberty, public officials come and snatch our freedoms away. Whether you are a patient with a debilitating illness or just a concerned, freedom-loving citizen, please consider attending the Sept. 7 MMMA patient rally at the state Capitol in Lansing and show your support for liberty.
If that is not possible, email, snail-mail or call the attorney general's office to let Bill Schuette know his employer -- the electorate -- won't stand for this act of tyranny.
» Attorney General Bill Schuette
» Address: G. Mennen Williams Building, seventh floor, 525 W. Ottawa St., P.O. Box 30212, Lansing 48909
» Phone: (517) 373-1110
» Fax (517) 373-3042
» Email:
Fort Gratiot, Aug. 26
It is a travesty that Schuette and multiple county prosecutors and law enforcement agencies throughout the state have joined together for what they believe is a fight for our security and protection. They think the act should never have been enacted, and they are doing whatever they can to stop sick people from getting the help they need.
The three-judge panel's recent decision to ban the sale and dispensing of cannabis probably has Schuette licking his chops. I hope he doesn't get too excited, though. We, the people, will not go down easily...
I find it ridiculous that just when we gain some ground in the fight for liberty, public officials come and snatch our freedoms away. Whether you are a patient with a debilitating illness or just a concerned, freedom-loving citizen, please consider attending the Sept. 7 MMMA patient rally at the state Capitol in Lansing and show your support for liberty.
If that is not possible, email, snail-mail or call the attorney general's office to let Bill Schuette know his employer -- the electorate -- won't stand for this act of tyranny.
» Attorney General Bill Schuette
» Address: G. Mennen Williams Building, seventh floor, 525 W. Ottawa St., P.O. Box 30212, Lansing 48909
» Phone: (517) 373-1110
» Fax (517) 373-3042
» Email:
Fort Gratiot, Aug. 26
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
2 Days after Germ
http://www.cannabis-seeds- php?id=999
Reserva Privada Confidential Cheese is a triple crown winner and is made of LA Confidential, and crossed her into the Exodus Cheese (Skunk #1) cut. Confidential Cheese is 70% Indicia and 30% sativa. Flowering time indoors is 8-9 weeks and its cannabis seeds produce a yield of 350-500 g/m2. This strain is light green and stinky with a sweet taste and a very medicinal high. Some phenos will be short like the LA and some will be taller like the Exodus.
Formerly known as LA Cheese
DNA Genetics LA Confidential Feminized cannabis seeds are great for medicinal use as they relieve pain and help insomnia. For the everyday user, the high of this herb is psychedelic and energetic, with a hammer. The LA Confidential is a heavy eater. There are two real phenotypes of the Confidential and they will both finish in 45-56 days. One is a bit more hardy, but both equal in knock down drag out stone. Preveging is advised to maximise the yield. Thinning the large fan leaves in the later part of the flower cycle will promote more light getting to the lower buds, thus increasing your yield. With an incredible smell and unique flavour, DNA Genetics LA Confidential Feminized is one of our most prized plants and delivers one of the highest highs.
Dinafem Seeds Critical + is a fantastic Indica plant which is an award winning strain that recieved the Highlife Glass of Barcelona . Dinafem Seeds Critical + is a high yielder that packs a powerful yet fruity skunk scent with a delicious taste. Indoor cultivators will need to take care and employ heavy ventilation due to the strong, skunky fragance it exudes while growing. Critical + is a high yield producer with a powerful, fruity skunk aroma, saddled with a delicious taste. Critical + cultivates indoors but beware it has a very strong, skunky fragrance while growing.
Critical + is a very potent smoke, mentally & physically, with a high yield and harvests in early October. Critical + has a flowering time pf 45-50 days. Critical + is a very potent smoke both mentally and physically.
TH Seeds Darkstar is the latest variety to join our fleet is the devastatingly strong Darkstar™. It is mostly Indica * Purple Kush x Mazar I-Sharif. This mega Indica not only grows ridiculously dense buds, but the potency is out of this world. Darkstar™ is a great plant for those seeking pain relief, appetite enhancement and other worldly activities. Darkstar™ is a dream to grow with its high calyx to leave ratio, making it a breeze to manicure. Darkstar cannabis seeds grow to a height of 120 - 140cm and produces a good yield. Flowering time takes 70 days. So grab some Darkstar™ today and begin your countdown to the launch.
T H Seeds Burmese Kush: Meet BUKU aka the ancient treasure Burmese Kush!
A short but phat plant with a flowering time of only 7 1/2 weeks, making it one of the fastest T.H. Seeds strains. To create this mean machine, we`ve crossed the authentic Burmese Kush with the O.G. Kush from L.A. which is without a doubt the hottest thing being passed around in Cali right now. BUKU has got that great Kush flavour & high and all a grower could wish for. Bound to become one of your garden & stash favorites. Quick flowering time and a low leaf-to -flower ratio make the BUKU the perfect plant for small highly productive growrooms. It takes cannabis seeds between 50-55 days to flower. Keep that Kushline expanding!
A short but phat plant with a flowering time of only 7 1/2 weeks, making it one of the fastest T.H. Seeds strains. To create this mean machine, we`ve crossed the authentic Burmese Kush with the O.G. Kush from L.A. which is without a doubt the hottest thing being passed around in Cali right now. BUKU has got that great Kush flavour & high and all a grower could wish for. Bound to become one of your garden & stash favorites. Quick flowering time and a low leaf-to -flower ratio make the BUKU the perfect plant for small highly productive growrooms. It takes cannabis seeds between 50-55 days to flower. Keep that Kushline expanding!
Barneys Farm LSD Feminized is an old Skunk variety crossed with Mazar. - Called LSD by the Farm crew because of its powerful trippy effect. Developed from ancient genetics long established in the Farm seed bank. Crossing Skunk #1 with a potent Mazar we have created a very powerful Indica strain. Barneys Farm L.S.D. Feminized is a hardy, disease resistant plant and it's cannabis seeds responds well in all grow conditions. With just a little care and attention, the Barneys Farm L.S.D. Feminized strain will give the grower high yielding award winning powerful results. The flavor is intense earthy chestnut with a sweet musky smell. The Barney's Farm LSD Feminized cannabis seeds produce a euphoric, almost psychedelic experience. It’s a super-trippy and very powerful stone, a Barney’s Farm special. Yield optimum indoor is 600 gr/m2, indoor height: 50 - 60 cm and flowering time is 60-65 days.
Dutch Passion Blueberry Feminized is a mostly Indica (80% Indica, 20% Sativa) strain, that dates to the late 1970’s. The Blueberry Feminized is a large producer under optimum conditions. A dense and stout plant with red, purple and finally blue hues, that usually cure to a lavender blue. The finished product has a very fruity aroma and taste of blueberry. It's Cannabis Seeds produce a notable and pleasantly euphoric high of the highest quality and is very long lasting. Medium to large calyxes. Dutch Passion Blueberry Feminized has a long shelf life. 4 times cup winner!
DNA Genetics Cataract Kush Feminized is the combination of two known winners, LA Confidential and OG Kush. She finishes in 8-9 weeks and has blankets of crystals! The Cataract Kush looks almost grey-black when cured. The flavour is LA dominate with the OG Kush coming through in the exhale. The nugs look OG with LA density. This is the perfect combination of these two strains and the high is VERY strong! The effect is good for pain, eating and sleep disorders. Most describe Catract as a "creeper" high that keeps on building long after you stop smoking!
This strain has been years in the making and is NOT recomended for the light weight smoker!!
Above average yields and dense frosty nugs are easily achieved by the novice as well as seasoned growers. This strain has been years in the making and is NOT recomended for the light weight smoker!!
Dinafem Seeds Blue Hash is a great combination! It takes the mind sweep of Blueberry and mixes it with the ethereal calm of the California Hash Plant. Dinafem’s Blue Hash is an Indica that flowers fast and changes from a bright violet to a dark purple when fully mature. This is a stunning cannabis strain for the indoor gardener. Dinafem Seeds Blue Hash has a low maintenance nature and resistance to mould make it easy to grow and is perfect for amateurs. Additionally, it produces a big yield of the high quality. Not only is the Blue Hash a great indoor plant but it also grows very well outdoors. It's cannabis seeds provide a sweet, fruity flavour that will leave your cares in the dust.
Reserva Privada Confidential Cheese is a triple crown winner and is made of LA Confidential, and crossed her into the Exodus Cheese (Skunk #1) cut. Confidential Cheese is 70% Indicia and 30% sativa. Flowering time indoors is 8-9 weeks and its cannabis seeds produce a yield of 350-500 g/m2. This strain is light green and stinky with a sweet taste and a very medicinal high. Some phenos will be short like the LA and some will be taller like the Exodus.
Formerly known as LA Cheese
DNA Genetics LA Confidential Feminized cannabis seeds are great for medicinal use as they relieve pain and help insomnia. For the everyday user, the high of this herb is psychedelic and energetic, with a hammer. The LA Confidential is a heavy eater. There are two real phenotypes of the Confidential and they will both finish in 45-56 days. One is a bit more hardy, but both equal in knock down drag out stone. Preveging is advised to maximise the yield. Thinning the large fan leaves in the later part of the flower cycle will promote more light getting to the lower buds, thus increasing your yield. With an incredible smell and unique flavour, DNA Genetics LA Confidential Feminized is one of our most prized plants and delivers one of the highest highs.
Dinafem Seeds Blue Hash is a great combination! It takes the mind sweep of Blueberry and mixes it with the ethereal calm of the California Hash Plant. Dinafem’s Blue Hash is an Indica that flowers fast and changes from a bright violet to a dark purple when fully mature. This is a stunning cannabis strain for the indoor gardener. Dinafem Seeds Blue Hash has a low maintenance nature and resistance to mould make it easy to grow and is perfect for amateurs. Additionally, it produces a big yield of the high quality. Not only is the Blue Hash a great indoor plant but it also grows very well outdoors. It's cannabis seeds provide a sweet, fruity flavour that will leave your cares in the dust.
Critical + is a very potent smoke, mentally & physically, with a high yield and harvests in early October. Critical + has a flowering time pf 45-50 days. Critical + is a very potent smoke both mentally and physically.
T H Seeds Heavy Duty Fruity would be described as `Monstrous`. A huge producer with giant cola`s will make any `bud waver` happy. Absolutely the best indoor producer we have seen yet. Heavy Duty Fruity is ideal for planting method 20-30 p.s.m. It takes these cannabis seeds 60-65 days to flower but beware we don`t call it Heavy Duty Fruity for nothing, this plant smells Strong! So air cleaners or ozone generators are recommended.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
.Get Legal Today Call Ty@ 313 424 5157 Dr' Appointment Today
Delta 9 Labs Double Kush is a cross between cannabis seeds from Kushage and our Afghan male. The kushage was a pheno type that leaned heavily towards its kush side. The hairs were more of an orange hue rather than pink. While the male we used pounds on the weight. This is a heavy strain that will enjoy a SOG style setup and the yield blows up when its fed with a hydro system. A thoroughly enjoyable smoke with very pleasant after effects. The Double Kush cannabis strain can take a heavy feeding.
The Delta9 Labs Double Kush grows more like a bush and doesn’t stretch. It can be kept under 1mtr tall. Indoor flowering time is between 9 -10 weeks and can be harvest outside at the end of October. A well enjoyed fruity strain to add to any compassion club menu.
The Delta9 Labs Double Kush grows more like a bush and doesn’t stretch. It can be kept under 1mtr tall. Indoor flowering time is between 9 -10 weeks and can be harvest outside at the end of October. A well enjoyed fruity strain to add to any compassion club menu.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Hemp Seed Oil
Hemp seed oil has been dubbed "Nature's most perfectly balanced oil", due to the fact that it contains the perfectly balanced 3:1 ratio of Omega 6 (linolei/LA) to Omega 3 (alpha-linolenic/LNA) essential fatty acids, determined to be the optimum requirement for long-term healhty human nutrition. In addition, it also contains smaller amounts of 3 other polyunsaturated fatty acids in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), oleic acid and stearidonic acid. The EFA combination is unique among edible oil seeds. (See nutritional composition.)
Extensive studies have demonstrated that many common illnesses are related to deficiencies or imbalances of specific fatty acids in the body. Symptoms are often related to a lack of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and their derivatives, the postaglandins. Most people eating a healthful diet, one that includes a balanced ratio of essential fatty acids, also have healthy skin and a strong immune system. Yet some individuals may experience shortages in specific fatty acids or their metabolites due to dysfunctional enzyme systems or other inhibitions in their metabolic pathways caused by genetic, immune-system-related, or even environmental factors. It has been proven in several clinical studies that dietary supplementation with EFAs or their metabolites (such as GLA) will often prevent or even cure these illnesses. Since hemp seed oil contains both EFAs in a desirable balance while also providing two of the EFA metabolites, it is a good resource for the prevention and treatment of certain illnesses.
Hemp seed oil also provides an adequate supply of antioxidants (Vitamin E), carotene (precursor to Vitamin A), phytosterols, phospholipids and a number of minerals including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, along with modest amounts of iron and zinc. Hemp seed oil also provides a good source of chlorophyll.
The daily recommended allowance of hemp seed oil is 14-28 ml (1 to 2 tablespoons). This allowance provides between 8 and 16 grams of Omega 6 (LA) and between 3 and 6 grams of Omega 3 (LNA).
And lastly, unlike other Omega-rich alternatives (flax, evening primrose, borage or fish oils) that are sold mainly as a vitamin supplement, hemp seed, hemp oil and hulled hemp seed all have a flavorful "nutty" taste that will create consumer demand and can easily be added into most any recipe to obtain a balanced diet!
Caution: Highly unsaturated vegetable oils such as Hemp Seed Oil are denatured by heating above 150 Degree C (300 Degree F), which can result in the production of unhealthy trans-fatty acids and increased peroxide values. Use Hemp Seed Oil as a flavor-enhancer in many recipes. Do not use as a substitute for frying oils. Keep bottles tightly sealed after opening and store in the refrigerator or freezer.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Months After Dispensary Raids, No Charges And No Money Back
More than seven months after Butte County, California law enforcement coordinated raids on seven marijuana dispensaries, the sheriff's office claims it is still "investigating" the case, so the District Attorney's Office has yet to file criminal charges.
A number of dispensary owners have since filed civil cases to have their confiscated money returned, reports Katy Sweeny at the Chico Enterprise-Record.
More than 100 law enforcement officers on June 30, 2010 served search warrants on seven marijuana dispensaries and 11 residences in Chico, Forest Ranch, Magalia and the Sacramento County town of Rio Lindo. The officers stole -- I mean, "confiscated" -- marijuana, guns, financial records, computers, Proposition 215 verifications, cash, and other items.
Investigating officer Jake Hancock, now with the Butte County District Attorney's Office, said forensic copies of the computers have been made, so those have been returned. Other seized materials -- including documents, marijuana, and money -- have not.
Hancock said he's "hopeful" he can "soon" turn over information for the District Attorney's Office to file charges.
To get the search warrants, Hancock provided detailed information to a Butte County Superior Court judge from undercover officers who claimed they bought marijuana with fraudulent recommendations from "a number" of the raided dispensaries.
Those dispensaries include Scripts Only Services, California Harm Reduction Cooperative Inc., California Patients Collective, Mountainside Patient Collective, Doctors Order Cooperative, Northern California Herbal Collective and Cascade Wellness Center.
There is no law that requires collectives or dispensaries to verify medical marijuana authorizations, according to Rick Tognoli of Scripts Only Services; it's just an industry standard.
"This goes back to the ridiculousness of dry counties in the South where you can't buy beer," Tognoli said, adding that patients should be allowed to share marijuana.
Hancock said he had no comment on whether marijuana authorizations must be verified.
Law enforcement hasn't given him back "squat," according to Tognoli, who said officers killed more than 100 marijuana plants from the collective.
Tognoli said he shut down the shop after the raid, but about 100 members still come to the collective for marijuana or get deliveries, he said.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Hemp oil-Hemp medicine
Cannabinoids, From Cells to Society Part 1
Cannabinoids, From Cells to Society Part 2
Endocannabinoid System Network (ECSN) - ECS Full Length Animation
Endocannabinoid System Network (ECSN) - Endocannabinoid Biology Clip
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam Has Been Studying The Many Benefits of Marijuana For Years!
Cannabis: Professor Raphael Mechoulam - Discovery of THC in 1964, Anandamide in 1992
Marijuana Nation - Dr. Raphael Mechoulam.
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part One
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part Two
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part Three
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part Four
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part Five
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part
THE FACTS | Marijuana
The Facts: Why Marijuana is NOT Dangerous
Canada - #1 Pot Smokers In The World
How Cannabis Works bbc
THC effects on Tumor Brain Cells, Normal Brain Cells
Marijuana/Cannabis memory loss & Alzheimer's
Can Marijuana help memory?
Medical Marijuana Mice
Medical Marijuana, The Truth!
Marijuana Cannabis Use In Pregnancy Dr. Dreher
Melanie Dreher, PhD - Discusses How Cannabis Is Used As Medicine in Jamaica
Dr. William Courtney Discusses The Importance Of Cannabis For The Body
David Bearman, M.D. Speaks to Medical Marijuana 411 on the Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis
Medical Marijuana 411 Interviews Dr. David Bearman of the AACM
Dr. David Bearman Discusses Medical Cannabis and Ritalin
Medical marijuana for ADD and it's good for kids!
Cannabis in early textbooks, Sir William Osler, AMA and treatment of migraines
Cannabinoid System in Neuroprotection, Raphael Mechoulam,PhD
Holistic Biochemistry of Cannabinoids by Robert Melamede (part 1 of 5)
Holistic Biochemistry of Cannabinoids by Robert Melamede (part 2 of 5)
Holistic Biochemistry of Cannabinoids by Robert Melamede (part 3 of 5)
Holistic Biochemistry of Cannabinoids by Robert Melamede (part 4 of 5)
Holistic Biochemistry of Cannabinoids by Robert Melamede (part 5 of 5)
US Cannabis Patent # 6,630,
The United States government patents marijuana.
Marijuana Helps Blind Man!
Shona Banda - Live Free or Die
Crohn's Disease Survivor Shona Banda Tells How Medical Marijuana Oil Helps Her "Live Free"
Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)
Hemp oil used for third-degree burn
Pain - Medical Marijuana - Multiple Sclerosis - Texas - Compassion - Tim Timmons
VITAMIN CANNABIS Documentary Film Part One
Vitamin Cannabis Pt 2 Save the Children
VITAMIN CANNABIS ~ Part Three (Documentary)
new job doing pizza delivery
THE FACTS | Marijuana
Part 6 - Rick Simpson's CRUSH CANCER WITH HEMP AND TRUTH - Free Internet Seminar
Dr. Donald Tashkin Marijuana Lung Cancer Study Pt 1 of 2
Marijuana Study Shows No Lung Cancer Links
THC Kills Glioma Cancer Cells - Medical Miracles from Europe
Cancer Cure - Cannabis & Cannabinoids,by Robert Melamede,PhD
THC (marijuana) Helps Cure Cancer Says Harvard Study
Medical Marijuana Stops Spread of Breast Cancer - NBC NEWS
Medical Marijuana Cancer Study
Cannabis Cancer response on 2009 04 22 at 09 12
Comment on Rick Simpson's Work
Science of Making Marijuana Oil
Shawn - Rick Simpson Hemp Oil - AIDS
Barack Obama on Marijuana Decriminalization (2004)
Barack Obama Yes I inhaled
Could it Be True?
Obama On Legalizing Pot
95% Want Marijuana Legalized CNN Poll
100 million Americans say yes to marijuana
Cops say legalize drugs part1
Cops say legalize drugs part2
pierceddana 111 videos Subscribe Subscribed
Ford Hemp Car
What Would Happen if Everyone You Know, Knew This information?
Marijuana Stimulates Brain Cell Growth (Proven Fact)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 1 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 2 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 3 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 4 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 5 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 6 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 7 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 8 of 9
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 9 of 9)
Industrial Hemp Farming Act
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Why Prohibition? - Cannabis in Canada
Cop Testifies For Medical Marijuana
Conservative Judge Says Legalize Drugs
Apologizing for Writing Bad Drug Laws
Judge Testifies for Marijuana Legalization in California
Grant Krieger October 26 / 2006 Supreme Court of Canada Jury
CH Live Supreme Court Krieger 2006
Jury Nullification
Jury Nullification 101
Cannabinoids, From Cells to Society Part 2
Endocannabinoid System Network (ECSN) - ECS Full Length Animation
Endocannabinoid System Network (ECSN) - Endocannabinoid Biology Clip
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam Has Been Studying The Many Benefits of Marijuana For Years!
Cannabis: Professor Raphael Mechoulam - Discovery of THC in 1964, Anandamide in 1992
Marijuana Nation - Dr. Raphael Mechoulam.
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part One
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part Two
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part Three
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part Four
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part Five
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam_Part
THE FACTS | Marijuana
The Facts: Why Marijuana is NOT Dangerous
Canada - #1 Pot Smokers In The World
How Cannabis Works bbc
THC effects on Tumor Brain Cells, Normal Brain Cells
Marijuana/Cannabis memory loss & Alzheimer's
Can Marijuana help memory?
Medical Marijuana Mice
Medical Marijuana, The Truth!
Marijuana Cannabis Use In Pregnancy Dr. Dreher
Melanie Dreher, PhD - Discusses How Cannabis Is Used As Medicine in Jamaica
Dr. William Courtney Discusses The Importance Of Cannabis For The Body
David Bearman, M.D. Speaks to Medical Marijuana 411 on the Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis
Medical Marijuana 411 Interviews Dr. David Bearman of the AACM
Dr. David Bearman Discusses Medical Cannabis and Ritalin
Medical marijuana for ADD and it's good for kids!
Cannabis in early textbooks, Sir William Osler, AMA and treatment of migraines
Cannabinoid System in Neuroprotection, Raphael Mechoulam,PhD
Holistic Biochemistry of Cannabinoids by Robert Melamede (part 1 of 5)
Holistic Biochemistry of Cannabinoids by Robert Melamede (part 2 of 5)
Holistic Biochemistry of Cannabinoids by Robert Melamede (part 3 of 5)
Holistic Biochemistry of Cannabinoids by Robert Melamede (part 4 of 5)
Holistic Biochemistry of Cannabinoids by Robert Melamede (part 5 of 5)
US Cannabis Patent # 6,630,
The United States government patents marijuana.
Marijuana Helps Blind Man!
Shona Banda - Live Free or Die
Crohn's Disease Survivor Shona Banda Tells How Medical Marijuana Oil Helps Her "Live Free"
Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)
Hemp oil used for third-degree burn
Pain - Medical Marijuana - Multiple Sclerosis - Texas - Compassion - Tim Timmons
VITAMIN CANNABIS Documentary Film Part One
Vitamin Cannabis Pt 2 Save the Children
VITAMIN CANNABIS ~ Part Three (Documentary)
new job doing pizza delivery
THE FACTS | Marijuana
Part 6 - Rick Simpson's CRUSH CANCER WITH HEMP AND TRUTH - Free Internet Seminar
Dr. Donald Tashkin Marijuana Lung Cancer Study Pt 1 of 2
Marijuana Study Shows No Lung Cancer Links
THC Kills Glioma Cancer Cells - Medical Miracles from Europe
Cancer Cure - Cannabis & Cannabinoids,by Robert Melamede,PhD
THC (marijuana) Helps Cure Cancer Says Harvard Study
Medical Marijuana Stops Spread of Breast Cancer - NBC NEWS
Medical Marijuana Cancer Study
Cannabis Cancer response on 2009 04 22 at 09 12
Comment on Rick Simpson's Work
Science of Making Marijuana Oil
Shawn - Rick Simpson Hemp Oil - AIDS
Barack Obama on Marijuana Decriminalization (2004)
Barack Obama Yes I inhaled
Could it Be True?
Obama On Legalizing Pot
95% Want Marijuana Legalized CNN Poll
100 million Americans say yes to marijuana
Cops say legalize drugs part1
Cops say legalize drugs part2
pierceddana 111 videos Subscribe Subscribed
Ford Hemp Car
What Would Happen if Everyone You Know, Knew This information?
Marijuana Stimulates Brain Cell Growth (Proven Fact)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 1 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 2 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 3 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 4 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 5 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 6 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 7 of 9)
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 8 of 9
The Medical Geography of Cannabinoid Botanicals(Part 9 of 9)
Industrial Hemp Farming Act
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Why Prohibition? - Cannabis in Canada
Cop Testifies For Medical Marijuana
Conservative Judge Says Legalize Drugs
Apologizing for Writing Bad Drug Laws
Judge Testifies for Marijuana Legalization in California
Grant Krieger October 26 / 2006 Supreme Court of Canada Jury
CH Live Supreme Court Krieger 2006
Jury Nullification
Jury Nullification 101
LED Gardening Tips
These tips come from proven experience and should be followed when possible to ensure success with LED professional grow lights. This information applies to both the use of individual light bars, and light bars mounted in multiple bar arrays.
Keep environmental temperatures in the range of 70°F – 80°F. (Lower temperatures = Slower plant growth.) You should also monitor root zone temperature as well.
DON’T over water your plants. (Less heat from light source = Less water loss to evaporation). (Over watering = Slow root development = Slow and stunted growth). Over watering will also cause nutrient uptake issues (you are feeding your plants, right?).
Watering rates using LED-PlantBars versus conventional white light: Water plants once and monitor the longer time it takes for them to run low on water to determine your particular plant specie's rate of water usage.
Keeping the root medium water saturated = No need for the plant to develop a larger root system = Stomata closure, slow and stunted growth, and symptoms of over watering.
Using a more porous medium = More oxygen to roots = Higher plant metabolism.
Nutrients and CO2
Start with a lower amount of nutrient (400-600ppm) or half the recommended amount.
When commercial growing: Monitor your CO2 levels. LED lights emit a large amount of absorbed light, which may require slight augmentation of CO2 levels (300-500ppm).
Remember, it doesn’t look like much light to you, but it is a lot of light to your plants.
With fruiting plants: Reduced photoperiod = Plant stress = More flowering.
If your plants are grown indoors without supplemental light, some plants—such as tomatoes—may benefit from the addition of a single 60Watt light placed anywhere in the room with the plants. This provides a small amount of invisible infrared light which some plants find beneficial.
Don’t forget, your plants need to sleep just like we do, except plants prefer that the room be totally dark at night. Check on the internet or with a local nursery to find out the preferred light/dark period for the plants that you’ll be growing.
The light emitting diodes (LEDs) used in this product are very high intensity. Never look directly into the light at close distance, or for long periods of time.
No Bugs
The wavelengths of light emitted by our LED plant light products are invisible to most pests. By design, these LED-PlantGro lights rarely attract bugs and pests to the plants.
One of three men who robbed an Ann Arbor medical marijuana clinic last September has pleaded guilty
Two other conspirators, Markus Bailey, 18, of Detroit, and Andre White, 32, of Royal Oak, will be tried on similar charges.
According to Ann Arbor police, the three men burst into the Liberty Clinic at 8:00 PM last September 30, rounded up the employees, and secured them with duct tape (the source of the unlawful imprisonment charge). The men then took anything green- money and medical marijuana. The Liberty Clinic, now closed, was located on South Main St in downtown Ann Arbor, which may explain why the robbery was quickly reported to the police.
The Ann Arbor police responded before the trio could finish their business and leave. Fortunately there was no gunplay, but the three men struggled briefly with responding officers before being placed under arrest.
Following his plea, Robinson will appear for sentencing on the felony charges March 17. »
Monday, February 14, 2011
Start Growing Medical Marijuana Today

Attitude Seed Bank,American Medical Marijuana Proffssionals, Michigan Medical Marijuana Advocates
& Herbal Vaporizers. We work with registered medical marijuana patient & caregiver in the state of Michigan on a mission to share information with the medical marijuana community help patients match the right marijuana strain to specific medical condition.
Certifications Only $125 on Feb 17th
Call now for an Appointment 313-424-5157
Friday, February 11, 2011
Marijuana Dispensary - MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES | PotSpot411
Marijuana Dispensary - MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES PotSpot411: "Marijuana Dispensaries 411 aims to be the largest online directory for medical marijuana doctors, Marijuana dispensaries and marijuana lawyers."
Judge upholds Walmart's firing of Michigan medical marijuana user
GRAND RAPIDS – A federal judge today ruled that the state's medical marijuana law protects legal users from arrest, but not employers' policies that ban use of the drug.
Joseph Casias, who has an inoperable brain tumor, was fired by the Walmart store in Battle Creek after he failed a drug test.
“The fundamental problem with (Casias') case is that the (medical marijuana law) does not regulate private employment,” U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker wrote in a 20-page opinion.
“Rather, the Act provides a potential defense to criminal prosecution or other adverse action by the state. … All the (law) does is give some people limited protection from prosecution by the state, or from other adverse state action in carefully limited medical marijuana situations.”
He said the law “says nothing about private employment rights. Nowhere does the (law) state that the statute regulates private employment, that private employees are protected from disciplinary action should they use medical marijuana, or that private employers must accommodate the use of medical marijuana outside of the workplace.”
Casias' attorneys, including the American Civil Liberties Union, claimed that his firing undermines the law, and forces medical marijuana users to choose between jobs and medicine.
But the judge wrote: Under the theory of Casias' attorneys, “no private employer in Michigan could take any action against an employee based on an employee's use of medical marijuana. This would create a new protected class in Michigan and mark a radical departure from the general rule of at-will employment in Michigan.”
The judge also rejected a request to have the case remanded for trial in Calhoun County Circuit Court. Jonker heard arguments on the case in November, and signaled that Casias' attorneys had tried to expand the law to the workplace.
Casias, 30, maintained that he only used marijuana after his work shift, and did not use on the job. He was tested for marijuana after a workplace accident last year, and fired. His oncologist suggested he try using the drug.
Walmart's attorneys contended that the medical marijuana law wasn't intended to regulate businesses.
E-mail John Agar:
Joseph Casias, who has an inoperable brain tumor, was fired by the Walmart store in Battle Creek after he failed a drug test.
“The fundamental problem with (Casias') case is that the (medical marijuana law) does not regulate private employment,” U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker wrote in a 20-page opinion.
“Rather, the Act provides a potential defense to criminal prosecution or other adverse action by the state. … All the (law) does is give some people limited protection from prosecution by the state, or from other adverse state action in carefully limited medical marijuana situations.”
He said the law “says nothing about private employment rights. Nowhere does the (law) state that the statute regulates private employment, that private employees are protected from disciplinary action should they use medical marijuana, or that private employers must accommodate the use of medical marijuana outside of the workplace.”
Casias' attorneys, including the American Civil Liberties Union, claimed that his firing undermines the law, and forces medical marijuana users to choose between jobs and medicine.
But the judge wrote: Under the theory of Casias' attorneys, “no private employer in Michigan could take any action against an employee based on an employee's use of medical marijuana. This would create a new protected class in Michigan and mark a radical departure from the general rule of at-will employment in Michigan.”
The judge also rejected a request to have the case remanded for trial in Calhoun County Circuit Court. Jonker heard arguments on the case in November, and signaled that Casias' attorneys had tried to expand the law to the workplace.
Casias, 30, maintained that he only used marijuana after his work shift, and did not use on the job. He was tested for marijuana after a workplace accident last year, and fired. His oncologist suggested he try using the drug.
Walmart's attorneys contended that the medical marijuana law wasn't intended to regulate businesses.
E-mail John Agar:
Seeds,Clones, Plants
Ludys Meds
We are affiliated with Attitude Seed Bank,American Medical Marijuana Proffssionals, Michigan Medical Marijuana Advocatesn& Herbal Vaporizers I am a registered medical marijuana patient & caregiver in the state of Michigan on a mission to share information with the medical marijuana community help patients match the right marijuana strain to specific medical
CELL 313-424-5157
OFFICE 800-538-2340
- Show quoted text -"
We are affiliated with Attitude Seed Bank,American Medical Marijuana Proffssionals, Michigan Medical Marijuana Advocatesn& Herbal Vaporizers I am a registered medical marijuana patient & caregiver in the state of Michigan on a mission to share information with the medical marijuana community help patients match the right marijuana strain to specific medical
CELL 313-424-5157
OFFICE 800-538-2340
- Show quoted text -"
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Medicate Now!
Medical cannabis (also referred to as medical marijuana) refers to the use of Cannabis (marijuana), including constituents of cannabis, THC and other cannabinoids, as a physician-recommended form of medicine or herbal therapy. Cannabis has a long history of medicinal use, with evidence dating back to 4,000 B.C.[1]
Although the extent of the medicinal value of cannabis has been debated, it does have several well-documented beneficial effects.[2][3][4][5] Among these are: the amelioration of nausea and vomiting, stimulation of hunger in chemotherapy and AIDS patients, lowered intraocular eye pressure (shown to be effective for treating glaucoma), as well as general analgesic effects (pain reliever). Less confirmed individual studies also have been conducted indicating cannabis is beneficial in a variety of conditions including Multiple sclerosis and depression. Synthetic cannabinoids are also available as prescription drugs in many countries. Examples include Marinol, available in Germany and the United States, and Cesamet, available in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and also in the United States.
There are several methods for administration of dosage, including vaporizing or smoking dried buds, drinking or eating extracts, and taking capsules.[6][7] The comparable efficacy of these methods was the subject of an investigative study [5] conducted by the National Institutes of Health.
While cannabis for recreational use is illegal in most parts of the world, its use as a medicine is legal in a number of territories worldwide, including Canada, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Israel, Italy, Finland, and Portugal. In the United States, federal law outlaws all cannabis use, while permission for medical cannabis varies among states. Distribution is usually done within a framework defined by local laws. Medical cannabis remains a controversial issue worldwide.
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