Items Needed: 1/2 oz of quality bud/trim, ground fine not powdered. 1/2 oz Carbolized marijuana aka vaporizer duff (optional) 1 Cup of cooking oil You can chop your medical marijuana, leave it as is or grind to a coarse consistency. Heat the cooking oil to 280 degrees in a double boiler. You can use a candy thermometer to make sure you don't let the oil get over 280 degrees. | |
Place your medical marijuana in a double boiler and simmer for an hour or two. Stir frequently to keep your oil and cannabinoids from burning. Keep the temperature below 280 degrees. Filter through a small stainless steel strainer or coffee filter. Save your filtered cannaoil in a jar. Cannaoil lasts much longer than cannabutter because cannabutter is made from a dairy product. | |
You can also use cannaoil in many recipes where oil is called for instead of butter. Be careful not to burn the oil and never bring the temperature beyond 280 degrees even when cooking. Cannaoil can be used in salad dressing recipes and can be made with olive oil. If you don't have a double boiler or a candy thermometer or just don't want to take a chance on burning cannabinoids off then you may want to use a crock pot. Heat the oil in a crock pot set on low. Once the oil is hot add your medical marijuana. You can also and other herbs like basil or thyme. Cover with a lid and stir frequently to avoid burning. Cook mix for up to 6 hours for best results. Strain the oil through two layers of cheese cloth into your container squeezing the oil through the cloth. Repeat one or two more times to make sure most if not all of the plant material is gone. Store the cannaoil in an airtight glass canning jar etc. Keep your oil in the refrigerator or in a cool place away from sunlight. |
We are on a mission to get Patients Ceritfied and to share information with the Medical Marijuana Community. Help Patients match the right Marijuana Strain to specific Medical Conditions/ailments, share grow tips and resources and review various marijuana strains for the Medical Marijuana Community. Provide safe acess to Meds get you Ceritfied and teach you how to grow.
We want to See you Grow!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
How To Make Canna Oil
How To Make Cannabutter
Cannabutter Items Needed: 1 cup unsalted butter 1 cup quality medical marijuana trim/bud 2 cups water 2 sauce pans Cheesecloth Bring the water to a boil in a stainless steel sauce pan, then add the unsalted butter. Turn the boil down to a simmer and add the medical marijuana. Simmer the mixture for three to four hours and add more hot water when needed. Make sure not to let the water get to low and the amount of water isn't extremely important. If you use a large sauce pan just use more water. | |
Some people boil their cannabutter for less than three hours but we find that we get better results when we boil for at least three hours. What happens is that the butter being an oil absorbs THC from the resin glands on the medical marijuana. Other cannabinoids also accumulate in the butter. If you have a vaporizer you can even add your "carbolized" or used medical marijuana to the mix. This may help with those who have neurological problems or need strong pain medicine. After the mix simmers for at least three hours place cheesecloth over a large bowl and pour the mix through the cheesecloth. Have somebody hold the cheesecloth tight or use a large rubber band to hold it on the bowl. This will separate the trim from the butter. It's good to run some pure hot water through the cheesecloth to remove any butter that may be caught up in the cloth. You can simmer a pan of water on the side just before you filter off the marijuana from the butter. | |
Remove the cheese cloth and put the bowl of cannabutter mix in your refrigerator or freezer to cool down faster. (If you use your freezer be careful not to let the water freeze.) The cannabutter will separate from the water and float on the top of the water. When the cannabutter cools down it will harden. Don't heat medical marijuana beyond 300 degrees when making butters or oils because it degrades the THC which weakens it's strength. Once the cannabutter hardens it will cover the top of the bowl. Now you simply poke a hole on the side of the cannabutter and slowly drain off the water that's below the cannabutter. Cannabutter will last about 1 week in the refrigerator. You can freeze it and get a month or more out if it that way. You can also use this same method to make canna oil by using olive oil and other cooking oils. Use your cannabutter in any recipe that calls for butter. You can also cut it with regular butter if it is too strong etc. |
How To Re-veg A Marijuana Plant
First of all re-veg means to re-vegetate in grower slang.Re-vegetating is when you take a plant that's in flower and force it back into vegetative state. Vegetative state is the state or mode a plant is in when it is NOT flowering. The main reason to re-vegetate is to make a mother plant. It's nice to keep a mother plant in veg state, that way when you want to make new plants you just take cuttings from her and root them. Sometimes a good plant sneaks up on you and you may decide you want to preserve her and re-vegging is one option. There is a trick to re-vegging a marijuana plant though. You need to keep enough shade/sucker leaves on the plant to allow it to draw water up and transpire. | |
If you don't keep enough shade leaves on your marijuana plant it can drown easily. Keep the lower "popcorn" buds on so you have some sites for re-vegetation to take place. When you water be extremely careful not to give your plant much more water than the plant is going to use in a day. Don't soak the pot. Feed your plant light doses of grow nutrients. I also like to use a product called Greenfuse Grow, it helps accelerate plant growth. I don't use as much as the manufacturer suggests most of the time. Definitely don't give the plant a heavy dose of this in the beginning stages of re-vegging. You also need to keep enough bud sites going because that's where you are going to see the plant begin to re-veg. Without any bud sites, the plant can't produce new vegetative growth. So cut your plant back similar to the picture above. This way you can harvest over 95% of the medicine and have plenty bud sites to get some good re-veg action. | |
Make sure to leave as many of those sucker leaves on as possible. Put your plant into your veg room and give it 18 -20 hours of light. There is no need to give the plant straight 24 hours of light unless you are using florescent lighting. I don't recommend using florescent lights to re-veg with but it has been done. It will take about 1-2 weeks before you begin to see new growth shooting from the buds If you use a simple 400 watt metal halide HID light. Keep on watering LIGHTLY until the plant becomes bushy again and starts using more water. Once the plant begins to re-veg start giving it more grow nutrients. After 4 or 5 weeks you should have a plant that has fully transformed from a mature flowering plant to a mature plant in vegetative mode. In a couple more weeks you should be ready to start taking cuttings. Remember to keep your mother plant in 18-20 hours of light and to give it at least 4 hours rest every night. Some growers believe that a marijuana plant becomes more potent as it ages. After it reaches about 1 year it maxes out in potency |
How To Dry And Cure Marijuana
After you have properly trimmed your medical marijuana you will want to give it a proper dry and cure. The process of drying and curing marijuana can and will effect the quality of the final product. The best dry is usually a slow dry. Drying too fast will lock in chlorophyll, nutrient residuals and other things that a slow dry helps remove. You also want a fairly cool and well ventilated room, 60 - 70 degrees is about ideal. A good fan to remove gas build up in the dry area will also help improve flavor and prevent mold. As marijuana and other plant life decomposes and breaks down it produces carbon dioxide gas. It can smell like a bail of straw or alphalpha and it can make your final product taste and smell funny. Proper ventilation will eliminate this problem. To get a nice slow dry you will need to control the humidity. Depending on the time of year you may need a humidifier or a de-humidifier. If it's cool and rainy or too warm you may even need something to control the temperature. Once you get the climate control tuned in you need to put up lines to hang your buds on. Some people hang the entire plant upside down because they believe the THC will flow from the roots into the buds. That is one of the many myths about growing marijuana. THC does not flow in the marijuana plant. The roots have such a minimal amount of THC that even if it did flow it would be useless anyway. | |
THC forms in the trichomes on the mature flowers of the marijuana plant. That's where the good stuff is for most patients. This is what hash, hash oil and hemp oil is made from. It forms on the flowers and stays on the flowers until it's removed by humans or decomposes into the ground etc. Hanging your plants upside down with the roots on also tends to get dirt on your marijuana flowers. Nobody likes dirty marijuana. Many people use fishing line or other similar string and run it from one side of the area to the other and back again. Leave enough space between lines to get decent ventilation. Once you have your dry room or area set up you are ready to trim and hang your marijuana. Space the trimmed flowers out so they aren't touching each other across the lines. Set up a fan to keep the air in the room properly circulated. Make sure to sweep the floor and clean the entire room well before you hang your marijuana. Dirt particles can easily stick to the sticky trichomes on marijuana buds. Once you have everything trimmed and hung shoot for a humidity of about 40% if you can. 50 is acceptable but much higher than that the first day or 2 can promote mold inside the denser marijuana buds. The denser the buds are the longer you want to keep the humidity around 40%. Indica and Indica dominate strains that have very tight dense flowers are usually more prone to inner bud mold while hanging. Once your medical marijuana flowers begin to feel a little dry and slightly crispy on the outside let the humidity come up to 50 - 55%. Keep the room ventilated and the air circulated at all stages so far. | |
You want to keep the buds in this stage for at least a week, 2 if possible. Some strains require more than 2 weeks. The longer growing strains often have more nutrient residuals to release and do better with a longer cure time. By drying like this you are really getting a "pre cure" on your medical marijuana. Once you have given the marijuana a proper dry time bring the room down to 50% humidity for 4 hours or so. It's best to do this on a dry day unless you have a dehumidifier. Once the marijuana stems snap but not a crispy snap it's usually ready to jar up. The flowers should still have a little moisture in them but not a lot. It should be about as dry as you like to get it when you like to smoke it but just a tad moister. Open the jars every day for a minute or so until the buds are the perfect moisture. After a week or 2 they are usually cured and ready to smoke. After 3 weeks in the jar they are usually premo. Keeping your medical marijuana in a glass jar helps preserve quality and flavor. This is the quickest and most effective way I have found to dry and cure marijuana and get a high quality product. |
After you have properly trimmed your medical marijuana you will want to give it a proper dry and cure. The process of drying and curing marijuana can and will effect the quality of the final product. The best dry is usually a slow dry. Drying too fast will lock in chlorophyll, nutrient residuals and other things that a slow dry helps remove. You also want a fairly cool and well ventilated room, 60 - 70 degrees is about ideal. A good fan to remove gas build up in the dry area will also help improve flavor and prevent mold. As marijuana and other plant life decomposes and breaks down it produces carbon dioxide gas. It can smell like a bail of straw or alphalpha and it can make your final product taste and smell funny. Proper ventilation will eliminate this problem. To get a nice slow dry you will need to control the humidity. Depending on the time of year you may need a humidifier or a de-humidifier. If it's cool and rainy or too warm you may even need something to control the temperature. Once you get the climate control tuned in you need to put up lines to hang your buds on. Some people hang the entire plant upside down because they believe the THC will flow from the roots into the buds. That is one of the many myths about growing marijuana. THC does not flow in the marijuana plant. The roots have such a minimal amount of THC that even if it did flow it would be useless anyway. | |
THC forms in the trichomes on the mature flowers of the marijuana plant. That's where the good stuff is for most patients. This is what hash, hash oil and hemp oil is made from. It forms on the flowers and stays on the flowers until it's removed by humans or decomposes into the ground etc. Hanging your plants upside down with the roots on also tends to get dirt on your marijuana flowers. Nobody likes dirty marijuana. Many people use fishing line or other similar string and run it from one side of the area to the other and back again. Leave enough space between lines to get decent ventilation. Once you have your dry room or area set up you are ready to trim and hang your marijuana. Space the trimmed flowers out so they aren't touching each other across the lines. Set up a fan to keep the air in the room properly circulated. Make sure to sweep the floor and clean the entire room well before you hang your marijuana. Dirt particles can easily stick to the sticky trichomes on marijuana buds. Once you have everything trimmed and hung shoot for a humidity of about 40% if you can. 50 is acceptable but much higher than that the first day or 2 can promote mold inside the denser marijuana buds. The denser the buds are the longer you want to keep the humidity around 40%. Indica and Indica dominate strains that have very tight dense flowers are usually more prone to inner bud mold while hanging. Once your medical marijuana flowers begin to feel a little dry and slightly crispy on the outside let the humidity come up to 50 - 55%. Keep the room ventilated and the air circulated at all stages so far. | |
You want to keep the buds in this stage for at least a week, 2 if possible. Some strains require more than 2 weeks. The longer growing strains often have more nutrient residuals to release and do better with a longer cure time. By drying like this you are really getting a "pre cure" on your medical marijuana. Once you have given the marijuana a proper dry time bring the room down to 50% humidity for 4 hours or so. It's best to do this on a dry day unless you have a dehumidifier. Once the marijuana stems snap but not a crispy snap it's usually ready to jar up. The flowers should still have a little moisture in them but not a lot. It should be about as dry as you like to get it when you like to smoke it but just a tad moister. Open the jars every day for a minute or so until the buds are the perfect moisture. After a week or 2 they are usually cured and ready to smoke. After 3 weeks in the jar they are usually premo. Keeping your medical marijuana in a glass jar helps preserve quality and flavor. This is the quickest and most effective way I have found to dry and cure marijuana and get a high quality product. |
After you have properly trimmed your medical marijuana you will want to give it a proper dry and cure. The process of drying and curing marijuana can and will effect the quality of the final product. The best dry is usually a slow dry. Drying too fast will lock in chlorophyll, nutrient residuals and other things that a slow dry helps remove. You also want a fairly cool and well ventilated room, 60 - 70 degrees is about ideal. A good fan to remove gas build up in the dry area will also help improve flavor and prevent mold. As marijuana and other plant life decomposes and breaks down it produces carbon dioxide gas. It can smell like a bail of straw or alphalpha and it can make your final product taste and smell funny. Proper ventilation will eliminate this problem. To get a nice slow dry you will need to control the humidity. Depending on the time of year you may need a humidifier or a de-humidifier. If it's cool and rainy or too warm you may even need something to control the temperature. Once you get the climate control tuned in you need to put up lines to hang your buds on. Some people hang the entire plant upside down because they believe the THC will flow from the roots into the buds. That is one of the many myths about growing marijuana. THC does not flow in the marijuana plant. The roots have such a minimal amount of THC that even if it did flow it would be useless anyway. | |
THC forms in the trichomes on the mature flowers of the marijuana plant. That's where the good stuff is for most patients. This is what hash, hash oil and hemp oil is made from. It forms on the flowers and stays on the flowers until it's removed by humans or decomposes into the ground etc. Hanging your plants upside down with the roots on also tends to get dirt on your marijuana flowers. Nobody likes dirty marijuana. Many people use fishing line or other similar string and run it from one side of the area to the other and back again. Leave enough space between lines to get decent ventilation. Once you have your dry room or area set up you are ready to trim and hang your marijuana. Space the trimmed flowers out so they aren't touching each other across the lines. Set up a fan to keep the air in the room properly circulated. Make sure to sweep the floor and clean the entire room well before you hang your marijuana. Dirt particles can easily stick to the sticky trichomes on marijuana buds. Once you have everything trimmed and hung shoot for a humidity of about 40% if you can. 50 is acceptable but much higher than that the first day or 2 can promote mold inside the denser marijuana buds. The denser the buds are the longer you want to keep the humidity around 40%. Indica and Indica dominate strains that have very tight dense flowers are usually more prone to inner bud mold while hanging. Once your medical marijuana flowers begin to feel a little dry and slightly crispy on the outside let the humidity come up to 50 - 55%. Keep the room ventilated and the air circulated at all stages so far. | |
You want to keep the buds in this stage for at least a week, 2 if possible. Some strains require more than 2 weeks. The longer growing strains often have more nutrient residuals to release and do better with a longer cure time. By drying like this you are really getting a "pre cure" on your medical marijuana. Once you have given the marijuana a proper dry time bring the room down to 50% humidity for 4 hours or so. It's best to do this on a dry day unless you have a dehumidifier. Once the marijuana stems snap but not a crispy snap it's usually ready to jar up. The flowers should still have a little moisture in them but not a lot. It should be about as dry as you like to get it when you like to smoke it but just a tad moister. Open the jars every day for a minute or so until the buds are the perfect moisture. After a week or 2 they are usually cured and ready to smoke. After 3 weeks in the jar they are usually premo. Keeping your medical marijuana in a glass jar helps preserve quality and flavor. This is the quickest and most effective way I have found to dry and cure marijuana and get a high quality product. |
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
This is why I do it.
I like your Ideals and Providing the Right Strain for the Right Ailghment, Im a Vet Who Suffers From Injuries and PTSD. I have been a Patient and Advocate since it was Legal, I have knowledge on strains, geneology, Trait Growth, Crop Management, Perpetualk grows and Various Other Knowledge Of the Subject, Right Now Im Struggling With the Feds Shutting Our Dispensaries That a 100% Legit For No Reason Other to say they Can! So If you need Advice, Tips, Knowledge or Simply Just BS about the Subject Please Dont Hesitate to Ask! Thanks again For Reading this. Yes I was on 15 different pills and 325 pound now 0 Pills and Just cannabis and 190 Pounds! Yes MJ has Saved My Life!
Manning Ri (Djweedkill)
Manning Ri (Djweedkill)
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